Mejlis’ Leader Visits Family that Suffered from a House Fire in Ukromnoe Village

Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people received information about the tragedy that took place in Ukromnoe village in Simferopol settlement where at night on October 6/7, 2012 Edem Seitumerov’s family lost their home to fire. The entire house and adjacent household buildings all in all about 200 square meters were burned down with all their belongings. When the fire started the members of the family were sleeping in the house. Fortunately, everyone survive.
On October 10, 2012 the Leader of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people Mustafa Jemilev along with the Head of Simferopol Regional Mejlis Lemmar Yunusov, Head of Ukromnoe village local Mejlis Rustem Refatov, CEO of the Charitable Organization “Foundation “Krym” Riza Shevkiev and veterans of Crimean Tatar national movement visited the family that suffered from a house fire.

“At around 2 a.m. I’ve seen a blazing fire,- the owner of the house Edem Seitumerov tells. Thefirecamefromthehouseholdbuildings. We rushed out of the house at tried to put out the fire for themselves, unsuccessfully”. According to E. Seitumerov he called the fire brigade, but it turned out that there was even no water in the fire engine. “We had to wait for the water, but before it came the house was completely burned by the fire,”- E.Seitumerov said.
The owner of the house that put much effort in its construction doesn’t exclude arson and it is very likely that his neighbor was guilty of this. According to the victim of a fire, his neighbor abuses alcohol and turned his house to a slum long ago, reducing to the level of a vagabond, making the endless revels with the same. “I’ve repeatedly called him to order, but everything was in vain. I’m sure that it is his guilt that I’ve lost my house in fire and could also lose my relatives,”- Edem Seitumerov said, adding that the fire fighters told him that it is impossible to prove the fact of arson, as it requires an expensive expertise.

As a result, according to E.Seitumerov, the fire fighters wrote “short circuit” as a reason of fire in their records.
The residents of Ukromnoe village didn’t leave his fellow villager in trouble. Local Mejlis and community gathered about 15 thousand hryvnias for Edem Suleiman’s family. The relatives and friends immediately started the repair of the house.
Talking with Mejlis’ Leader the victim of a fire Edem Suitumerov asked Mustafa Jemilev interceding before “Krymenergo” about the soonest connection of the remaining part of his premises to gas supply, as it was cut after the fire. “Little children live along with us in the old part of our house that also suffered much from a fire and we couldn’t even warm the kids and boil water to cook the meal,”- E. Suitumerov explained. Mejlis’ Leader assured the Suitumerov’s family that he will took the issue under his personal control.

The veterans of Crimean Tatar national movement gave Suitumerov’s family first-necessity goods and read dua (prier) in the yard of his burned house, wishing them the soonest restoration of their house, strength to the owners and wished them never suffer such tragedies in the future. The CEO of the Charitable Organization “Foundation “Krym” Riza Shevkiev provided financial support to the victim of a fire.