Mejlis’ Leader Mustafa Jemilev Took Part in Meeting of Public Humanitarian Council of the President of Ukraine

04 July 2012
Mejlis’ Leader Mustafa Jemilev Took Part in Meeting of Public Humanitarian Council of the President of Ukraine

The meeting of the Public Humanitarian Council, chaired by the President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych was held on July 3, 2012.

The Council’s meeting was attended by the Leader of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, MP of Ukraine Mustafa Jemilev.

In his speech M.Jemilev stated an intention of the Ukrainian state to make the first step towards the harmonization of the interethnic relations, adopting the Concept of the State Ethnic Policy. Mejlis’ Leader, MP of Ukraine proposed the Public Humanitarian Council and the President of Ukraine to come with an initiative to merge two draft Concepts in order to adopt this document as soon as possible.

As reported, the author of this draft Concept is M.Jemilev. The second draft was proposed by the Government of Ukraine. “I’m ready to concede an authorship on condition that some of the provisions from my draft would be included into the governmental draft Concept. This requires the corresponding order and forming of the joint parliamentary-governmental working group and two weeks of work on vocations,”- M.Jemilev specified.

In addition M.Jemilev came with the proposal to the President of Ukraine and the participants of the meeting to define as one of the most significant documents, aimed at the stabilization of the interethnic climate in Ukraine the adoption by the Parliament of the Regulation on the recommendations of the Parliamentary hearings on the “Ethnic and National Policy of Ukraine: Achievements and Prospects”. Moreover, the voting on this issue is to take place on July 5, 2012. According to M.Jemilev the mentioned Recommendations contain the proposal to restore the special authorized governmental state body, regulating the issues, relating to the national policy.

In his speech the Leader of Mejlis M.Jemilev also reminded that on June 20, 2012 the Verkhovna Rada adopted the Draft Law of Ukraine “On the Restoration of the Rights of Persons, Deported on the Ethnic Grounds” in the first reading. “Now the members of the Parliament make amendments to it. Ithastobeadopted. Weneedit. It is urgent. It is fair and just,”- M.Jemilev underscored.

M.Jemilev specified that in the process of the talks with the officials he expressed his readiness to reach a consensus with the Government as far as the financial part of implementation of this draft law concerns, but in case the political will, aimed at the adoption of this law will make it wait, as it was during the last two years then any joint work will be vain.

Addressing the President of Ukraine, M.Jemilev reminded Viktor Yanukovych about the Decree that he signed in 2010 that definitely states the position of the Head of the state concerning the necessity to adopt the Law #5515. Mejlis’ Leader expressed his hope that the opinion of the President of Ukraine won’t change and the law will be passed and ratified.

In conclusion of his speech M.Jemilev drew the attention of the President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych to the question of the calling under the aegis of the OSCE of the International forum on the ensuring of the rights of the deported persons. “The process of the preparation and discussion is terminated at the moment and I ask you to take it under your personal control and give order to the Humanitarian Council to prepare the draft of the corresponding Decision of the President of Ukraine”.