Mejlis Fixes Date of the 4th Session of Qurultay of the Fifth Convocation

On June 13, 2012 the meeting of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people was held. It adopted the decision on the date and place of the next session of Qurultay of the Crimean Tatar people of the 5th convocation.
After the discussion of various propositions concerning the date of the 4th session of Qurultay of the Crimean Tatar people the members of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people in accordance with the norms of the Regulations of Qurultay adopted the decision to hold the session of Qurultay in Simferopol on July 21-22, 2012.

The members of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people also approved the structure of the Organizing service on preparation to the session of Qurultay of the Crimean Tatar people.
At this, the members of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people discussed a range of issues to be proposed to the delegates to include into the session’s agenda in compliance with the terms, set by the Regulations of Qurultay.
The main issues that will be considered at the coming session of Qurultay of the Crimean Tatar people are:
– on the adoption of the Regulations on the election of the delegates of Qurultay of the Crimean Tatar people of the 6th convocation;
– on the election of MPs of Ukraine in October 2012;
– on the national anthem of the Crimean Tatar people.