Meeting of Akhtem Chiygoz, with Matthias Lüttenberg

In light of recent visit of the German Chancellor Angela Merkel to Moscow, during a meeting on May 29, 2018, in Berlin, with the Deputy Head of Division Bilateral Relations with the States of Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe as well as Central Asia and South Caucasus of the German Federal Chancellery Matthias Lüttenberg, the Deputy Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People Akhtem Chiygoz expressed his position on the need for stricter reactions of the world community to the actions of the Russian authorities in connection with the occupation of Crimea. In particular, a discussion was about the upping repressions against the Crimean Tatar people, including kidnappings and arrests of activists. Also, Mr. Chiygoz focused his attention on issue of the Kerch bridge, which became a factor of activating the illegal actions of the Russian Federation in the Azov Sea. Akhtem Chiygoz emphasized unacceptability of keeping silence from the side of European states regarding the illegal construction of the bridge, as well as the fact of participating of the RF in the processes of some European companies, that is prohibited by existing sanctions. Separately, Mr. Akhtem noted the political and economic risks while an implementation of the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline project.
Matthias Lüttenberg, in return, confirmed the position of the Federal Republic of Germany on non-recognition of the illegal annexation of Crimea and the condemnation of the violation of Ukraine’s territorial integrity. At the same time, Mr. Lüttenberg noted that it is advisable to maintain a dialogue with the Russian Federation for solving problematic issues. In particular, such a dialogue can facilitate the release of political prisoners by the Russian Federation.
Both sides agreed that the case of Crimea should constantly be on the international agenda. Also, they discussed the possibilities of forming a monitoring mission for human rights in Crimea, as well as de-occupation of Crimea. At the end of the meeting, Akhtem Chiygoz conveyed an invitation to the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, to visit Kyiv.