
Crimean Tatar Students Will Study in Best University of Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus

22 August 2013
Crimean Tatar Students Will Study in Best University of Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus

On August 22, 2013, Mr Mustafa Jemilev, Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People and Ms Safure Kadzhametova, Head of the Department of Culture and Education at Milli Mejlis, Head of the Association of the Crimean Tatar Workers of Education “Maarifchi” met with the students that will study in one of the best universities of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

Earlier they passed the tests in English and Crimean Tatar languages. They are Ms Sabriye Abdurashitova, Mr Erol Abduldzhelilov, Ms Dilyara Samedinova and Mr Akim Umerov. Two young people were enrolled at the university and two persons will obtain MA degree in Cyprus.

“During his visit to Nicosia, the Northern Cyprus in 2009 Mr Mustafa Jemilev, Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People and Mr Suat Gunsel, Chancellor of the Middle Eastern University signed the agreement providing that the Middle Eastern University of Northern Cyprus annually provides 3-4 quotas to Crimean Tatar students. Of course, studying at this university is quite expensive but the university administration provided free studying and living in the dorm. The representatives of the Crimean Tatar diaspora of the Northern Cyprus will cover all other expenses. In addition, our students will receive the monthly fellowship,”- Ms Safure Kadzhametova said.

The Chairman of the Mejlis underscored that the fees at this university vary from 7 to 12 Euros. The studies in the university are held in English, this opens the broad prospects for its graduates. He also said that the representatives of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People live in Nicosia and they could provide the students any assistance required.

Then Ms Arzy Emirova, graduate of the Middle Eastern University shared her expressions about the studying and student’s live abroad and thanked Mr Mustafa Jemilev and Ms Safure Kadzhametova on behalf of the graduates and students that keep on studying for the great assistance provided in obtaining education abroad and wished the new students to appreciate this assistance and study well.