Zair Smedlyaev: I Think Guilty Persons Won’t Be Found as Usual

14 August 2013
Zair Smedlyaev: I Think Guilty Persons Won’t Be Found as Usual

On August 14, 2013, Wednesdaynight the wagon that belonged to the District Committee #9 of the Central Region of Simferopol and local Mejlis was burned in Aq-Mechet region in Simferopol. There was nothing that escaped the flames.

The Head of the Secretariat at the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People has commented on this situation as follows: “The fact is that it was arson. I can’t tell exactly who did it. To my opinion, it was just another provocative action aimed at destabilizing the situation in the region. As usual it was done to create the tensions. It could be ranked together with becoming more frequent statements against the Crimean Tatars and xenophobic publications”.

He also mentioned the possibility that the attempt to burn the guard on the site of the construction of the central mosque and burning of a wagon are the links of one chain.

“I’ve lost hope that the guilty will be found, as the organizers and executors of numerous acts of vandalism in Muslim cemeteries, arson in 22 Yaltinska Str., etc. were not found and punished yet. The law enforcement officials would find lots of runaround, such as left ducks, electric cable fire, or something like that. Everybody understands that it was arson and the broken window proves that.

If the guilty persons won’t be found it would testify to the fact that all these provocations were committed with silent agreement of the law enforcement officials or with their direct involvement.”