
Yan’y Iyl Haiyrly Olsun! Happy New Year!

30 December 2011
Yan’y Iyl Haiyrly Olsun! Happy New Year!

Yan’y Iyl Haiyrly Olsun! Happy New Year!

Change of calendar years provides us the possibility to sum up the results of the work done, to evaluate the events around us or we were involved in, as well as to make every one to act in order to improve the lives of our relatives and friends.

The passing 2011 year for Crimean Tatars was one more stage of combat for the restoration of their rights. Many positive changes in the life of our people that took place in 2011 became possible due to the unity and activeness of our nationals and the committed activity of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, regional and local mejlises, Muslim communities and Crimean Tatar public organizations.

The coming 2012 year demands from every one of us more selflessness and concentration of will for the sake of the future of the Crimean Tatar people and restoration of its statehood in its own land, for happy future of all people, living in Crimea.

May Allah in his mercy and love uphold blessed Crimea and all its residents!

Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people