«We want to have the wise and constructive opposition as in other civilized peoples, but we have what we have,» – Mustafa Jemilev

About the possible provocations during the National Crimean Tatar Mourning Day, why there are MPs from the Party of Regions among its ideologists and what analytical reports SBU provides to the President Viktor Yanukovych in the interview of the leader of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, MP of Ukraine Mustafa Jemilev to LIGABusinessInform.
– Mustafa – bey, recently the so called “Crimean Tatar National Front” was created in Crimea. Right after this Mejlis stated about just another attempt to split Crimean Tatars. What this statement was based on? How could new organization threaten Mejlis? Who stands behind the creation of Crimean Tatar National Front? Are there any particular persons?
– As far back as in the first months of the past year we obtained the draft plan of the events of the Russian special services against Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people. One of its items said about the creation of about one and a half tens of various Crimean Tatar organizations (youth, religious, female and etc.), they could be even anti-Russian, but they have to be obligatory in the opposition to Mejlis and they should be united soon into one single coalition against Mejlis. Frankly speaking, we considered it is very unlikely and took it as for a kind of misinformation at that time. Well, there is a group called “Milly Firka”, notorious for its appeal to the President of Russia during the Russian-Georgian war in August 2008 to protect Crimean Tatars from Ukraine. There is also a group called “Sebat” that has separated from the organization “Avdet” whose main goal was to obtain land plots in accordance with their records and that stands in quite firm opposition both to Avdet and the Land Department of Mejlis, because Avdet and Land Department of Mejlis consider these records not very fair. There are also the groups of Vakhabbits, Salaphits, Jakhaddists, Khizbuts, Khabbashids who consider themselves the only true Muslims and regard all others as infidels or “mistaken”, at best. They also oppose each other. There is also so called “Spiritual Center of Muslims” created by the authorities in December 2010 in opposition to the Spiritual Board of Muslims of Crimea in order to promote splitting among Crimean Muslims. However, we thought it would be impossible to unite them all in one single “Front” against Mejlis. However, some of them were united and few new organizations were created as well.
One could only guess what levers they use. For example, one very vociferous youth organization was created, headed by a young man who was previously arrested twice and kept in prison for few months, first for fraud and serious theft then for fighting with the law enforcement officers, but then he was released, though he had to be sentenced to many years of prison for these crimes. One could only guess on what conditions he was released, because it was also practiced in the Soviet times. So this young man becomes one of the main figures of the newly created anti-Mejlis “front”, and a little bit earlier he was an organizer of burning of the dummy of the Chairman of Mejlis next to the theatre in Simferopol.
There are also people in this “front” who were expelled from Mejlis and the delegates of the Convention by the decision of the National Convention for direct violation of the decisions and norms, adopted by the National Convention, as well as the people who wanted to become the members of the local councils on the last elections, that is why they rushed to various parties, hopping to become the MPs (“Selyanska”, “Socialistic”, A.Moroz and etc. that turned to be unpromising in Crimea as well), then they started creating their own religious or political organizations, but obligatory in opposition to the Spiritual Board and Mejlis.
Of course, they represent no threat to Mejlis. Their actions even promote more consolidation of Crimean Tatars, to some extent, because they see clearly what kind of people wants to replace Mejlis. For example, after the famous burning of the dummy of the Chairman of Mejlis in November last year one journalist told the Head of the Foreign Relations Department of Mejlis: “You have great PR experts in Mejlis, you know! Clever trick!” When he was asked what he meant he replied: “Come on! You must have organized all this yourselves in order to inspire loathing in people to the opposition…”
Nevertheless, we want to have a wise and constructive opposition as in other civilized peoples, that could point out at our mistakes in some way, proposing more rational ways of the solution of the problems, but we have what we have.
– If the thing really comes about an attempt to split the society, who stands behind it? Who will benefit from this?
I would like to say first, no one would benefit from this. In the first turn, Crimean Tatars of course won’t benefit, because instead of the consolidate advocacy of our national rights and solution of the numerous problems they would have to spent time and efforts on mutual unfriendly controversy, and then if there will be an attempt to implement some measures, declared by this “front” especially on May 18 – the National Mourning Day, there could be more serious and very unwanted events. The state won’t benefit from this as well, if it is interested in stability on the peninsular and in the civilized solution of all existing problems. Only those who are not interested in the solution of the problems of Crimean Tatars and prosperity of our state could take advantage of this. There are quite many such people both in our country and abroad.
– Creation of the Crimean Tatar front was supported by two members of the Crimean Parliament from the Party of Regions. What does this fact testify to? Is it an attempt of the Party of Regions to weaken Mejlis in Crimea on the eve of the elections?
– One of these MPs is Lentun Bezaziev who was an ardent communist when L.Grach was the Speaker of the Parliament of the autonomy. Then when U.Timoshenko was the Prime Minister he became an ardent “bjutovets” and the member of Yalta Town Council. After the presidential elections and election of V.Yanukovych the President of Ukraine he became an ardent “regional”. What party he will support at the end of this year will show the results of the parliamentary elections in October and the composition of the new Government of Ukraine. The second one is Edip Gafarov who also became a “regional” after the last presidential elections. Earlier he was commonly known as a leader of so called “Crimean Tatar Block” that was created on the previous local elections for the money of one entrepreneur who was balloted to the PArliament from the Party “Souz” in order to spatter Crimean Tatar votes. Of course, his block did not pass 3% barrier, but he took some part of votes and consequently less Crimean Tatars could become the members of the VR ARC. On the last elections these two persons were the only candidates from the Party of Regions in the majoritarian districts and consequently they both became MPs. Both of them as well as few other leading figures of the “Front” that was created few days ago, including the leader of the mentioned above organization “Milli Firka” were included into the composition of the reformed “Council of Representatives of the Crimean Tatar People” by the President’s decree in August 2010. It’s a common knowledge that Mejlis refused to take part in this “Council”, considering that people’s representatives should not be appointed, but elected.
The coming parliamentary election is of course one of the motivations for the attempts to increase splitting among Crimean Tatars and create at least any group from those who will work for the government party on this election, because they think that the National Convention of Crimean Tatars will recommend to its nationals a little different electoral behavior.
– How strong is Mejlis’ position in Crimea? Do Crimean Tatars still support you? Do you really think that the Crimean Tatar National Front could compete with Mejlis?
– All political forces try to exaggerate their influence in order to attract more supporters, but we try to avoid it and operate with figures from the independent sociological surveys, because self-deception or attempts to exaggerate ones abilities won’t result in anything good. Well, according to the Rozumkov Center survey, held in August last year 7,1% of Crimean Tatars think that Mejlis doesn’t protect the interests of Crimean Tatars at all, in other words they do not trust it. 11,4% consider that Mejlis provides insufficient protection of their rights. The rest more than 81% fully trust Mejlis. At this, around 37% were positive about Mejlis’ activity. Considering Edward Kennedy’s statement that even on condition of the most ideal ruler around 20% of the population will be always dissatisfied with him, so it is all right. To compare with, according to the same Rozumkov Center only 12,8% of Crimean population trust the Council of Ministers and 13,2 % – the Verkhovna Rada of Crimea. So, “fronters” would have to look for their supporters only among these 18% of those who dissatisfied with Mejlis to some extent, but it doesn’t mean at all that they all will unite with it. For example I also belong to 11,4 % of those who do not quite satisfied with Mejlis’ activity, but I definitely won’t go to “Front” against Mejlis. Any serious people couldn’t say that any organizations could compete with Mejlis.
– Just one month ago you said that you obtained the information about the plans of Russian FSB on splitting of Crimean Tatars, replacement of Mejlis’ leader and introduction of pro-Russian repatriates to its composition. Could one call the creation of this “Front” the beginning of this “operation”?
– Indeed, everything goes according to the plan that we obtained few months ago. But I should admit that this plan implemented in a slipshod manner. Well, they created and united in one company few organizations against Mejlis. What is the use of it, if there are just few members in it? They even held their meetings and press conferences under the full protection of OMON. But it seems to me like they can arrange some provocations. According to the new information received they plan to arrange three main events. First, the mass disorders during May 18 on the National Mourning Day when the maximum number of Crimean Tatars will gather on the central square in Simferopol. It is supposed that they will try to seize the tribune, supported by OMON and tell what bad is Mejlis. Second, during Qurultay (National Convention) of Crimean Tatars, supposedly at the end of summer, and third – if we will be able to call the International Forum on Crimean Tatars problems at the end of this year. Rest of the time they were ordered to meet the foreign delegations visiting Crimea as often as possible and naturally, “denounce” Mejlis and arrange incident in Crimean Tatar settlements when these delegations will visit them along with Mejlis.
The information that Russian FSB makes plans to displace the current leaderships of Mejlis and implant pro-Russian Crimean Tatars was first announced not by me, but by the Ministry of the Foreign Affairs of Ukraine. It was one of the items of accusation when in 2009 the Ministry of the Foreign Affairs declared Mr. Lysenko V.S., the colonel of the military intelligence of Russia the persona non grata, who worked in Ukraine under the diplomatic covering in the capacity of the senior advisor of the Russian Embassy in Kyiv and who at the same time “supervised” over all pro-Russian organizations in Ukraine and the General Consul of the Russian Federation in Odessa A.Grachev. It is also known that this “persona non grata” visited Crimea at least five times for the last two years and held numerous meetings with the citizens of Ukraine, including some Crimean Tatars. I dare to suspect that they didn’t talk about the weather or cultural news. When I asked SBU officials if Mr. Lysenko’s visits to Crimea were agreed with them they replied that they know nothing about this.
– Why Russia needs this?
– I’m asking myself the same question. Don’t they have enough problems? If they want to win the sympathy of the indigenous population of Crimea it would be more reasonable to spent money not for recruiting bastards and provocations, but for the solution of at least few social problems, such as the construction of schools and restoration of the system of education in native language. Moreover, the former Russian regime had direct attitude to the genocide of Crimean Tatars and destruction of their cultural heritage. However, it seems like yet there will be people with KGB way of thinking in Russian government the same policy will go on.
If one monitors the Russian Mass Media, that for the rare exclusion by no means could be called independent, for covering Crimean events for the last 20 years, particularly the problems, related to Crimean Tatars, one could find that the main malefactor in Crimea is Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people. The same could be said about the Russian speaking Mass Media on the territory of Ukraine. How many charges there were in Mass Media against the Ukrainian authorities that they encourage the return of Tatars to Crimea in order to change the dominant Russian demographic situation in Crimea! Frankly speaking, it seems like they have calmed down, because Ukraine apparently heard the friendly critics of the “elder brother” and in fact does not solve any Crimean Tatar problems at all. The ruling coalition in the Verkhovna Rada refuses to vote for the adoption of the Law on the restoration of the rights of the deported persons, the program of financing of the social problems was reduced almost to zero, the level of representation of Crimean Tatars in the bodies of state power in 3-4 times lesser their population ratio.
Why Russia regards Mejlis as the main anti-Russian force in Crimea? In fact we have nothing against Russians or other peoples in general. We also have more friends in Russia especially in Human Rights advocacy circles maybe more then anybody else taken together.
– You also mentioned that Mejlis sometimes manages to catch the analytical reports of SBU, that later go to Yanukovych. What do these reports say?
– As a rule these are quite wordy documents telling about the main events in Crimean Tatar environment from their authors’ point of view, providing their own evaluation and then some recommendations. One of the analytical reports consisting of 20-25 pages was even published in one of the websites and then few other websites gave comments on it. It tells that Mejlis remains one of the main real opposition to the authorities in Crimea and that is why the measures should be taken to weaken it and provide support to Crimean Tatar organizations, opposing Mejlis, such as Milli Firka, Sebat, parallel Spiritual Center, etc. It contains a lot of disinformation and rumors. Few years ago I met with the Head of the Crimean SBU and presented him few “reports”, made by their officers and told him: “Your officers differ from the former KGB ones for their fear not to lie to their bosses. You have very brave people”.
– You’ve taken quite loyal position towards the authorities recently. Why?
– We never set goal before us to oppose the authorities, because only together with the authorities we could solve the issues of the restoration of the political, cultural and social rights of our people. We have at least some democracy and if these authorities were elected by the majority one has to consider this, even if one personally didn’t vote for them. Such are the democratic principles. However, since the Soviet times we used to say what we think instead what the authorities like. That is why we always have difficulties with the authorities. In fact, we had more serious difficulties with the Soviet authorities. If some of our statements coincide with their opinion we have nothing left but just to be happy with it.
– You met Mr. Kuchma these days. What did you talk with him about? Did you touch Crimean problems?
It seems like L.Kuchma understood better then other Ukrainian Presidents the Crimean Tatar problem, the meaning of Crimea for Ukraine and tried to promote the solution of our problems. There was a firm dialogue between the representative body of Crimean Tatars with the supreme authorities of our country and the regular meetings with the President were held in Crimea and in conclusion the orders on solution of these or that problems were made to different state bodies. In fact, there was no control over their execution and that is why they were sabotaged and were not executed in most cases, especially in the autonomy. It was his Decree on May 18, 1999 “On the Council of Representatives of the Crimean Tatar People” the representative body of Crimean Tatars was introduced to the legal framework of Ukraine. That is why he enjoys great respect among the Crimean Tatars. We meet him from time to time in order to discuss the situation, our problems and ask advice.
In our last meeting in his office we talked a lot about our plans to call the International Forum of the problems of Crimea and Crimean Tatars. Naturally, he has a wide circle of contacts among the famous political figures, presidents with whom he still keeps friendly relations.
– Mr. Mogilev has been heading the Council of Ministers of Crimea for more than a month. Did you manage to arrange communication with him? Did his attitude to Crimean Tatars change for the last years? Can you say that the conflict with him was settled or he is also interested in weakening of Mejlis?
– You already know about our relationships during his being the Head of Crimean Militia especially after the events in Ay-Petri in November 2007 and his publication about Crimean Tatars in “Krymskaya Pravda”. But we proceed from the fact that he was appointed by the President. Contacting him we inform the President about our point of view. We didn’t recall the old conflicts in our meetings. We talked only about the urgent issues, demanding their soonest solution.
I don’t know if he wants weakening of Mejlis or not, it is likely that he does, because the election is coming soon. But he is rather a pragmatist and knows that there is no real alternative to Mejlis.
– How many times since Mogilev’s appointment you met him?
– I met him only two times – on the second day after his appointment the Head of the Council of Ministers of the autonomy and at the end of the last year, without taking into consideration the brief meeting in Ankara during the official visit of the President to Turkey in December last year.
– You have announced about your leaving the position of the Leader of Mejlis. Aren’t you afraid that the new person that will take you position couldn’t stop “splitting” processes in Crimean Tatar community?
As a saying goes, every people deserves its leaders. If our people would like to have various “princelings” instead the single governing body, elected in a democratic way, well it will be so. But I think that the Crimean Tatar people, having quite rich experience of fighting for their rights and that used to have its own statehood won’t let it.
– Whom would you like to see your successor – Refat Chubarov?
– We do not have successors. The Head of Mejlis is to be elected by the National Convention. Once when I made attempt to leave the position of the Chairman of Mejlis I really proposed Refat Chubarov’s candidature at the session of Qurultay.
– You also said that you won’t ballot to the MPs of Ukraine. Did your position change concerning this issue? If it didn’t change who will ballot to the MPs? Will you ballot in the majoritarian district or from some party? What chances have the representatives of Mejlis to be elected to the Parliament?
– There are around 150 000 Crimean Tatar voters. The practice of all elections in Ukraine for the last 20 years showed that from 65 to 85 % of Crimean Tatars vote in accordance with the recommendations of the National Convention or Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people. Having such quite consolidated electorate we have all grounds to say about the necessity to include at least two our representatives to the beginning of the party list when making the agreement with some all-Ukrainian political force. I would like that these two representatives were the Head of Mejlis and its first deputy. It would give them the possibility to seek after the solution of some national problems more effectively as well.
Our representatives almost have no chances to be elected in the majoritarian districts, especially now when two districts will be united into one and where the portion of Crimean Tatars would represent from 2 to 15 %. But on the other hand Crimean Tatars could support actively those candidates that would be proposed by our friendly political force.
The question about the party we will join in the election and the candidates to MPs will be considered on the National Convention.
– What to your opinion changed in Mejlis during your being its head? Did you manage to unite Crimean Tatars? Could you specify your main achievements and maybe failures?
– We can’t boast with great achievements, and if I will start telling about what we couldn’t achieve and make it will be a very long list. But I am absolutely positive about the fact that if Crimean Tatars wouldn’t have a single representative body elected in a democratic way the situation both with Crimean Tatars and in the peninsular in the whole will be much worse.