We Don’t Need Anyone’s Suggestion to Nominate Candidates in Majoritarian Districts,- Mustafa Jemilev

16 July 2012
We Don’t Need Anyone’s Suggestion to Nominate Candidates in Majoritarian Districts,- Mustafa Jemilev

The Leader of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, MP of Ukraine Mustafa Jemilev told in his interview to the newspaper “Avdet”, commenting on the statement of the Leader of Crimean “Batkivschina” A.Senchenko who suggested Mejlis few majoritarian districts in Crimea.

 “Qurultay doesn’t need anyone’s suggestion to nominate candidates in the majoritarian districts in Crimea, because we could count only on the votes of our nationals in these districts. Considering that Crimean Tatars do not comprise even a quarter of the electors in any of these 10 districts in Crimea there is almost no chance for any Crimean Tatar candidate to be elected. However, if we will make union with some political force and it will nominate candidates, more or less popular among the Russian speaking population in these districts then Crimean Tatars could cardinally change the results of the voting and help to win, on condition Crimean Tatars would support these candidates”.

In fact, we make such proposals to our potential allies, however, yet they prefer to fix themselves in the beginning of their list and they propose us things that do not belong to them. For example, Batkivschina took only 19569 votes in Crimea in the last elections to the bodies of the local self-governance in October 2010. This number is almost three times less the number of Crimean Tatar votes given to Narodny Rukh in compliance with the recommendation of Qurultay. How could they promote the election of our candidates in the “suggested” majoritarian districts? Moreover, one should take into consideration that since October 2010 the situation in the country changed cardinally and one couldn’t be sure that many of those Russian speaking electors who gave their votes for BYUT that time would do so today, all the more when they will be called to vote for Crimean Tatar candidate,”- the Leader of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, MP of Ukraine Mustafa Jemilev said.