We are Going Different Ways with Political Parties, Opposing Restoration of Crimean Tatar People’s Rights,- Leader of Mejlis Mustafa Jemilev

16 July 2012
We are Going Different Ways with Political Parties, Opposing Restoration of Crimean Tatar People’s Rights,- Leader of Mejlis Mustafa Jemilev

Mejlis’ Leader Mustafa Jemilev has commented on the statement of the members of the united opposition “He who is not with me is with the authorities” in his interview to the newspaper “Avdet”.

 “One shouldn’t see everything only in black and white color. There are many other colors. Moreover, in conditions of the modern Ukraine, when the authorities, especially in the regions are represented by various persons with their own views to the future of Ukraine. That is why the Bolshevik’s principle “He who is not with me is against me” is unbearable for us”.

In situation when tens of thousands of our nationals are not settled down in life, when hundreds of Crimean Tatar settlements lacked the elementary social and engineering facilities, our representatives – from the members of the village councils to the Verkhovna Rada of Crimea, must use every possibility to improve people’s living conditions.

Another thing is and it is confirmed by the activity of Qurultay’s delegates of all convocations that we have firm principles, and that is why we have never entered any political coalition or union with forces, keeping to the authoritarian methods of management of the society and opposing the integration of Ukraine to the community of the European peoples. Moreover, we are going different ways with the political parties, opposing the restoration of the rights of the Crimean Tatar people.

In addition I’d like to say that we used to live with the government, made up of the winners of the elections 2007, in other words, the representatives of BUT and NU-NS. There were enough persons in the government at that time who didn’t solve any problems, and didn’t care anything except their own profits and well-being. However, this makes no reason to characterize the mentioned political forces exclusively in dark colors,”- Mustafa Jemilev said.