
Vice Chairmen of Mejlis Mr Zaur Smirnov and Akhtem Chiygoz Visit Construction Site of Mosque in Karasubazar

15 December 2013
Vice Chairmen of Mejlis Mr Zaur Smirnov and Akhtem Chiygoz Visit Construction Site of Mosque in Karasubazar

On December 15, 2013, after the interregional meeting of the leaders of the Mejlis in Karasubazar region the Vice Chairmen of the Mejlis Mr Zaur Smirnov and Akhtem Chiygoz accompanied by Mr Resul Velilyaev, founder of B.Choban-zade Foundation visited the construction site of the mosque of Karasubazar.

As is known, the borthers Resul and Remzi Velilyaevs are the main initiators of the construction of the mosque in Karasubazar. On October 16, 2013, the ground-breaking ceremony was held attended by the Mufti of Muslims of Crimea hajji Emirali Ablaev, leaders of the Mejlis and Crimean Tatar community and representatives of the Crimean Tatar diaspora.

“If it was summer we would have finished the construction of the mosque. Anyway, we make no complaints about the speed of the construction process and we are grateful to the professional builders and everyone who held us for the high quality and honest work,”- Mr Resul Velilyaev said.

According to Mr Velilyaev, the Mosque of Karasubazar could accommodate up to 400 people. Moreover, they also plan to build the madrasah and separate accommodation for the imam of the mosque in the territory of the mosque.