Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Passes Draft Law of Ukraine «On Restoration of Rights of Persons, Deported on the National Grounds» in First Reading

20 June 2012
Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Passes Draft Law of Ukraine «On Restoration of Rights of Persons, Deported on the National Grounds» in First Reading

On June 2012 the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine had courage to vote for the Draft Law of Ukraine “On the Restoration of the Rights of Persons, Deported on the National Grounds”.

356 of 420 MPs of Ukraine that were present in the Parliament vote for the Draft Law #5515 in the first reading. The author of the Law is the Leader of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, MP of Ukraine Mustafa Jemilev.

“The long and difficult work on the adoption of the Draft Law of Ukraine “On the Restoration of the Rights of Persons, Deported on the National Grounds” shows that one of the steps towards the soonest official adoption of the Law of Ukraine on the restoration of justice and the legal rights of the Crimean Tatar people, subjected to the genocide in May 1944 was made today,”- Mejlis’ Leader Mustafa Jemilev convinced.

At the same time, commenting on the further development of the situation around the law, supported in the first reading, the author of the draft law doesn’t exclude that its final adoption could be possible only after the Parliamentary election when the new composition of the legislative body of Ukrainian power will be formed.