U.S. Ambassador John Tefft Expressed His Hope That International Forum To Be Held Next Year

05 October 2011
U.S. Ambassador John Tefft Expressed His Hope That International Forum To Be Held Next Year

“I would like to say that we all have benefited from today’s meeting. It was a great opportunity to gather all together in order to discuss in details the urgent problems of the Crimean Tatar people that has been returning to its homeland. We also know about these problems,” – the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States Mr. John Tefft said in conclusion of the meeting between the leaders of Mejlis and heads of the diplomatic missions and international organizations, accredited in Ukraine on October 5, 2011.

According to Mr. Tefft the international experts are to arrive to Crimea in order to study the problems of the Crimean Tatar people, visiting Crimean Tatar settlements. According to the U.S. diplomat this decision, adopted by the international experts is quite reasonable, because it is very important “to see how the problems of the repatriates are solved in reality”.

In addition, saying about the prospects of carrying out of the International Forum on the restoration of the rights of the Crimean Tatar people to their homeland, its security and guarantees of development in Ukraine, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States Mr. John Tefft expressed his hope that the Forum will be held next year. “For my part I will report to my Government in my country about the issues that were discussed at this meeting and their future solution. We watch the process closely,”- Mr. Tefft underscored.