Turkish Government to Build New Premises for I. Gasprinsky Crimean Tatar National Library

04 October 2012
Turkish Government to Build New Premises for I. Gasprinsky Crimean Tatar National Library

On October 4, 2012 the Minister of Culture of the Republic of Turkey Mr Ertugrul Gunay made his working visit to Crimea

After he landed in Simferopol airport the Minister along with the Leader of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people Mustafa Jemilev, the Ambassador Plenipotentiary and Extraordinary of the Republic of Turkey to Ukraine Mr Mehmet Samsar and Consul General of the Republic of Turkey in Odessa Mr Husein Ergan visited the single in the world Crimean Tatar library named after Ismail Gasprinsky.

The Head of Crimean Tatar library Gulnara Yagyaeva and her deputy Leylya Kadyrova toured Turkish Minister of Culture Mr Ertugrul Gunay around the library, telling him about the history of the establishment of the library, acquisition of the national books and attracting readers, and also drew the attention of the high guest to a range of urgent problems, including the main one – the need in new building for reading-hall, conference-hall and storage.

In a dialogue with Mejlis’ Leader Mustafa Jemilev and administration of Crimean Tatar library the Minister of Culture of the Republic of Turkey Mr Ertugrul Gunay underscored that he will personally come with an initiative to build new premises for I.Gasprinsky Crimean Tatar library as soon as possible. He also promised to send various books to the library, relating the Turkic world.

The Minister of Culture of the Republic of Turkey Mr Ertugrul Gunay also visited the office of the League of Crimean Tatar women and spoke with its Head Safinar Jemileva and members of Crimean Tatar women public organization who in their turn proposedthe high guest with fragrant national drink – q’ave (coffee).

Suggested by the representative of the Ministry of Culture of Crimea, the Minister of Culture of the Republic of Turkey Mr Ertugrul Gunay attended the Crimean Ethnographic Museum where he had opportunity to see the permanent exposition “Mosaic of Cultures of Crimean Peoples”.

Before leaving to Yalta where to take part in the 3rd Black Sea Economic Forum, the guests attended Qebir Jami and adjacent territory.