The outcome of the program “TCS- 2011” in Crimea

27 April 2011
The outcome of the program “TCS- 2011” in Crimea

Among the members of the Commission were the member of the Crimean Tatar Mejlis, Head of Association of Crimean Tatar workers of education “Maarifchi” Safure Kadzhametova, the representative of the department of higher education of the Ministry of national education of Turkey Yükseköğretim Kurulu (“YÖK”)

Furuzan Ozchelik, representative of the Ministry of national education of Turkey Rushtu Gedik, representative of Center of testing and distribution of students among the educational institutions of Turkey “Ösym” Turay Karadere, the representatives of the newly established Ministry of relations with Turkish peoples of the Council of Ministers of Turkey Eliz Oz and Zakhide Erbilli, and representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkey Reykhan Kalkay and representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Turkey Fatikh Baldzhi. Participation of the last representatives in the Commission was caused by the nessesity to agree the recuirements of the legislation of Ukraine and Turkey that regulate the students exchange issues and their staying in the territory of Turkey.

In 2011, in the framework of “Great Student Project” financed from the budget of Turkey, the program “TCS-2011” was held on April 24 in 12 countries. Every country, covered by TCS was visited by the commission of experts from Turkey that along with the authorized representative of the Program, promoting to implementation of this project, carried out this testing.

In Crimea the program “TCS-2011” was held with assistance of Association of Crimean Tatar workers of education “Maarifchi” under the aegis of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people. According to Safure Kadzhametova the applications for participation in testing “TCS-2011” were received on-line until April 8, 2011 that in some ways became a difficulty for many applicants due to the limited dead line. All in all 53 applications were received for 30 places available in 8 leading Turkish universities to 15 departments. 50 school leavers were admitted to participate in testing.

After the testing the Chairman of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people Mustafa Jemilev received the representatives of the Commission from Turkey. He noted that TCS, implemented with the financial support of the Government of Turkey, is one of the important measures aimed at training of professional and competitive specialists among the Crimean Tatar youth and made memorable presents to the guests.
On April 25 the members of the Commission left to Turkey.

Department of culture and education of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people and Association “Maarifchi” express their gratitude for assistance in receiving of the Commission to Honorable Consul of Turkish Republic in Crimea Seyran Osmanov, Co-ordinator of TIKA Akhmet Chinar, chairman of the Permanent commission on interethnic relations and problems of the deported persons of the Verkhovna Rada of the AR of Crimea Remzi Ilyasov, chairman of Republican committee of nationalities Edem Dudakov and representative of the company “Chag Ogretim Ishlemleri” in Crimea Sait-Enver Yildiz.

Press service of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People