The candidates to the delegates of Qurultay of the 6th convocation in Buyukonlar and Kurman multimandate majoritarian elective districts received the certificates to participate officially in the elections.

30 March 2013
The candidates to the delegates of Qurultay of the 6th convocation in Buyukonlar and Kurman multimandate majoritarian elective districts received the certificates to participate officially in the elections.

On March 30, 2013 the Head of Buyukonlar district election commission #14 on the elections of the delegates of Qurultay Ayshe Khalilova gave certificates to 10 registered candidates to the delegates of Qurultay of the 6th convocation.

The ceremony of awarding certificates was attended by the Head of CEC on the elections of the delegates of Qurultay of the Crimean Tatar people Zair Smedlyaev and Head of Kurman regional Mejlis Uchkun Devletshaev.

Buyukonlar district election commission #14 made the decision “On registration of the candidates to the delegates of Qurultay of the 6th convocation in multimandate majoritarian district of the following persons:

1. Abibullaeva Emilya
2. Akiev Dilyar
3. Blezarov Usein
4. Nasibulaev Server
5. Safetov Ervin
6. Seydametov Amet
7. Seydalieva Ediye
8. Seytablaev Nuritdin
9. Khaybullaev Ayder
10. Chatalov Yakub

On the same day the Secretary of Kurman district election commission #13 on the elections of the delegates of Qurultay Niyara Alieva gave the certificates to 9 registered candidates to the delegates of Qurultay of the 6th convocation.

The ceremony of awarding certificates was attended by the Head of CEC on the elections of the delegates of Qurultay of the Crimean Tatar people Zair Smedlyaev, Deputy Head of CEC Nazim Memetov, Head of Kurman regional Mejlis Uchkun Devletshaev and members of local mejlises.

Kurman district election commission #13 registered the candidates to the delegates of Qurultay of the 6th convocation in multimandate majoritarian district the following 9 persons:

1. Ablaev Levzer
2. Adzhialimova Ayshe
3. Begov Rustam
4. Bilyalov Emil
5. Devletshaev Uchkun
6. Dzhemaletdinov Enver
7. Seytkhalilov Khayser
8. Kharakhady Ali
9. Shirinsky Suleyman