The appeal of Akhtem Chiygoz

14 September 2017
The appeal of Akhtem Chiygoz

The appeal of Akhtem Chiygoz to the participants of the rally, which is planned to be held in Kyiv on September 13, 2017 at 17.30 on the Independence Square (Maidan Nezalezhnosti).

On September 11, I listened to the verdict. How much cynicism, lies, and most importantly, the fear ineach pronounced word and action of judges, the power of Russia in front of the strength, courage and determination of my people was seen.

How they are annoyed and frightened by true patriotism, which they do not understand and not inherent in.It is convenient for them to cover themselves with false patriotism, soaked with rotten nationalchauvinism, implanted by them to their own people.

Every Crimean Tatar, every Ukrainian should understand that our right to a freedom, a worthy life and love of the Motherland is a danger to the Russian authorities.

The verdict absorbed the hopelessness and anger of the collaborators.

But their joy is prematured.

They will not succeed in “making the main value lie and meanness.”

They will never be the authority of the people.

Akhtem Chiygoz
pre-trial detention center (SIZO),
City Simferopol