“Teacher 2012”

Traditionally, in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea the competition “Teacher of the Year” is holding in February in Crimea. The teachers who won in their regions are to provide their methodological materials, including the lessons and out-of-school activities, description of their experience and publications for consideration of the jury.
This year on February 16, 2012 the winners from 11 regions presented their materials in KRIPPO where the members of jury made the cut. 6 teachers had to be selected from 11 nominees. This year the changes were made to the selection process. The nominees were proposed to answer the questions in writing on psychology, pedagogy, methodology – all in all 10 questions. In addition the teachers stood testing for general outlook. The writing answers and testing took around two hours and gave the jury possibility to study and evaluate the files of the competitors.

At the end of the selection the results were announced. They were made up of the scores for: writing work, testing and file.
6 of 11 competitors were selected:
– Murtazaeva Elzara Bahtierovna – Voykovskaya School, Pervomaysky region;
– Seytablaeva Lemara Talyatovna – gymnasium #1, Simferopol;
– Seymanova Niyar Abibullaevna – Chistensky UVK, Simferopol region;
– Tinchirova Mayre Resimovna – Mayskaya School, Dzhankoy region;
– Teyfuk Elvina Anafieva – school #2, Saki;
– Ismailova Lenara Ablatifovna – Klimovskaya School, Krasnogvardeysky region.
On February 21-22, 2012 6 nominees and 5 members of jury, headed by the Head of the department of education in Crimean Tatar language at the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Suleymanova Zarema Seyarovna went to Voykovskaya School in Lenin region to held the all-Ukrainian competition “Teacher 2012” for nomination “Crimean Tatar language”.

The teachers, pupils and the principal, Seydametova Zeynep Serverovna received the guests.
The competition was held on a high level, favored by the friendly atmosphere and support of the members of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, members of the Verkhovna Rada of ARC Refat Chubarov and Safure Kadzhametova who provided the broad coverage of the competition in Mass Media. Safure odzha Kadzhametova presented every nominee and member of jury the dictionaries, text-books, etc., following from the principle that a book is the most precious thing for every teacher. The text-books and literature were also passed to the school library.

Finally, the jury announces the winners of the competition:
1 place – Tinchirova Mayre Resimovna – Mayskaya School, Dzhankoy region;
2 place – Teyfuk Elvina Anafieva – school #2, Saki;
3 place – Murtazaeva Elzara Bahtierovna – Voykovskaya School, Pervomaysky region;
The jury enjoyed that the participants of the competition were all young and gifted teachers. “The future of our kids and Crimean Tatar language is for such teachers. The talented, creative teachers could teach, cultivate and preserve the native language,”- the members of jury underscored.