
Stop bloodshed and establishment of dictatorship in Ukraine! Abrogate dictatorial laws passed on January 16, 2014! Restore Crimean Tatar people’s rights! Preserve territorial integrity and independence of Ukraine!

25 January 2014
Stop bloodshed and establishment of dictatorship in Ukraine! Abrogate dictatorial laws passed on January 16, 2014! Restore Crimean Tatar people’s rights! Preserve territorial integrity and independence of Ukraine!

On January 28, 2014, at noon the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People organizes the mass meeting in the central square of Simferopol under the slogans mentioned above.

On January 25, 2014, Mr Refat Chubarov, Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People stated this following the special broad meeting of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People.

“Taking the responsibility for the destinies of all people living in Crimea, peace and calm in the peninsular the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People will make its every effort to prevent Ukraine’s sliding to the dictatorship, to stop the bloodshed and killing of the civilians in Ukraine,”- Mr Refat Chubarov, Chairman of the Mejlis said.

During the meeting that lasted more than two hours the members of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People and heads of the regional mejlises made the detailed analysis of the reasons of the political crisis in Ukraine and possible consequences of the increasing escalation of the violence in Ukraine that already leaded to the human victims.

Mr Ali Ozenbash, Head of the Revision Commission of the Qurultay and Mr Zair Smedlyaev, Head of the Central Election Commission took part in the meeting of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People and made their proposals.

At this, the overwhelming majority of the speakers noted that the authorities bare the whole responsibility for the bloodshed and violence in the country and the repressive policy against the peaceful protesters will cause the mass protests of the Ukrainian citizens both in Kyiv and in many regions of Ukraine.

The members of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People condemned the open attack made by the MPs – members of the factions of the Party of Regions of Ukraine and Communist Party of Ukraine on the fundamental rights and freedoms, passing the draconic laws with the violation of the Parliamentary procedures and democratic principles, contradicting the Constitution of Ukraine and international obligations of Ukraine.

“Our decisions were the reaction to the numerous addresses of the Crimean Tatars, as well as the people belonging to other nationalities received by the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People. With this regard the Mejlis decided to hold the peaceful meeting on January 28, 2014 at noon in the central square of Aqmescit/Simferopol. The main slogan of the meeting will be to stop bloodshed and Ukraine’s sliding to the dictatorship,”- Mr Refat Chubarov said.

The Chairman of the Mejlis believes that peace and consent in Ukraine could be achieved only through the negotiations. “The Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People will speak at the meeting for the territorial integrity of Ukraine and demands of the abolition of the draconian laws passed by the Parliament of Ukraine on January 16, 2014. We want that the dramatic events in Kyiv and other regions of Ukraine served a real lesson to the Crimean authorities as well. We’ve already get tired of calling the Crimean authorities to respect the Crimean Tatars’ rights. Our appeals to the real dialogue were never heard by the authorities. There is almost no spere where the Crimean Tatars’ rights were respected at least to a smallest degree. That is why on the coming meeting we will also proclaim the plan of our actions for the nearest months. This will be done openly and honestly in order to help the Crimean authorities denying once and forever the malpractice of the imitation of the public dialogue,”- Mr Refat Chubarov underscored.

During the Mejlis meeting Mr Refat Chubarov also told about his phone call with the Head of the Council of the Ministers of Crimea.

“Mr Anatoly Vladimirovych shared with me some of his “concerns” in regards with some information he received. The point at issue was that allegedly the Mejlis prepares to the seizure of the administrative buildings in Crimea. I answered that he barks up the wrong tree, because the Mejlis has no such intentions. At this I recommended him to tell his informers where to go…”