Speech of Leader of Mejlis of Crimean Tatar people M.Jemilev at Meeting with Diplomats, Accredited in Kyiv

Dear heads and representatives of the diplomatic missions and international organizations, accredited in our country,
Ladies and gentlemen!
Almost one years ago, in early October 2011 we met with heads and representatives of the diplomatic missions of the leading European countries, USA and Canada, accredited in Kyiv, as well with a range of the international organizations, to some extent involved in the process of the elimination of the consequences of the deportation of peoples from their national territories, committed by the Soviet regime and solution of their problems.
To our great pleasure, the participants of the meeting fully supported the idea of holding the International forum under the aegis of the OSCE to promote the restoration of the legal rights and solution of problems of the Crimean Tatar people and national groups, deported from the territory of Ukraine during the WW2.
At this, the participants of the meeting expressed their wish to coordinate their further work on preparation and holding of the International forum by the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities.
We are grateful to the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Mr Knut Vollebaek for his principal consent to take this mission and that significant work that was made on the development of the concept of the coming Forum. I think that the participants of today’s meeting – representatives of the OSCE High Commissioner will inform us in details about the preparation to the Forum, as well as the results of the interaction between the OSCE High Commissioner and Ukrainian Government and other officials.
I’d like to draw your attention to the following points:
Having received such sufficient support last year we continued our active work, explaining the idea of the International Forum, fist of all in order to involve the supreme Ukrainian authorities to the process of its preparation.
We held a range of meetings with the officials of the Administration of the President of Ukraine, sent letters to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other leading ministries and Ukrainian agencies.
This issue was discussed and received support in the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Human Rights and Interethnic Relations as well.
Finally, on July 3, 2012 during the meeting at the Public Humanitarian Council, attended by the President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych, I expressed my concern about the “chilly” attitude of Ukrainian authorities to the idea of holding the Forum. I addressed the President asking him to take the issue of preparation to the Forum “under his personal control and order the Humanitarian Council to develop the draft of the corresponding decision of the President of Ukraine”.
Nevertheless, unfortunately this idea didn’t find due support of the supreme Ukrainian authorities. In fact there is no flat refusal to hold the Forum, but all the answers of the state agencies, we addressed personally and the Committee of the VR of Ukraine on human rights and interethnic relations, say that the law on the restoration of the rights of the deportees and the program of the financing of measures, aimed at the solution of the social problems should be adopted first. Though, it is quite clear that one doesn’t contradict another.
At this, we found out that some agencies express opinion that the initiative of holding of the Forum was dictated by the desire to let some western countries to set pressure on the Ukrainian authorities through interference with the internal affairs of the country.
Reading such summaries of our special agencies one starts feeling like living in the Soviet Union again, where as we know, every our statement and address, defending our civil and national rights was qualified invariably as the documents, defaming an “impeccable” Soviet regime and servility to the West, while the claimants were taken to the prisons and camps. Though, things haven’t come as far in Ukraine yet.
On June 9 this year after our persistent demands the decision was finally adopted by the Council of Ministers of Ukraine to continue the program on resettlement of the deportees, returning to their homeland from exile. However, the financing, provided for this program as it was expected is far from meeting the real needs. For example, the total financing for the resettlement of the repatriates, provided by the budget comprised only 50 million UAH (less than 5 million US Dollars), that is not enough even to build one secondary school.
Consequently, in the nearest future many Crimean Tatar settlements where tens of thousands Crimean Tatar families try to settle themselves will do without roads, kindergartens, schools, medical facilities and gas supply.
At a background of such insufficient attention to the social problems of Crimean Tatars the issues of the humanitarian development of Crimean Tatars, demanding also financing become even more sharp. These are: text books for Crimean Tatar schools, development of national Mass Media, preserving and restoration of Crimean Tatar historical and cultural monuments and many more.
As far as the Law on the restoration of the rights of the deportees concerns, the situation remains uncertain yet. The draft law was brought to consideration twice this year – on May 16 and June 20. During its first reading the ruling coalition majority not only supported the draft law, but we even heard the humiliating statements, addressed to Crimean Tatars from the Leader of the Communist Party, that enters this majority. He explained his unwillingness to vote for this draft law by the fact that Stalin made very just act exiling Crimean Tatars. Unfortunately, the supreme leaders did not react to such Nazi statements of their ally on the Parliamentary coalition.
The draft was sent for improvement. On June at its repeated consideration the draft law was approved as a basis in the first reading by the majority for our great pleasure, though any sufficient amendments weren’t made to it. Whyhappenedso? One could make various assumptions. It is quite clear that there was the President’s involvement that made statement about the need to adopt this law as far back as two years ago. Certain international organizations also played their important role, including the OSCE High Commissioner for National Minorities and Mr Knut Vollebaek personally who sent the Ukrainian Parliament his fine expert evaluation to this draft law.

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine plans to pass the law in the second reading and in the whole before the termination of its mandate. The MPs of various factions made about 60 various amendments and supplements. Some of them are constructive and could be taken into consideration, but others are aimed at eviscerationof its essence and turning it into an empty declaration.
Of course, we hope for the adoption of the law without any sufficient deviations from its present variant. We believe that the public position of the President of Ukraine will be very important and we consider to his support. To take the opportunity, I’d also like to ask you, dear ladies and gentlemen to bring our expectations to Ukrainian politicians during your meetings with them.
We are very thankful to all and every of you for your attention to the present and future of the Crimean Tatar people in Ukraine.
We are grateful to your states and international organizations for the efforts made, particularly in ensuring the peaceful future of all peoples, based on the recognition of the diversity of cultures, languages, religion and commonness of the democratic values, human rights and freedoms.
Like one year ago I’d like to address your governments and international organizations on behalf of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people to take the concrete actions along with the Ukrainian state, aimed at overcoming the consequences of the crimes, committed against the Crimean Tatar people in the 20th century.
Of course, we also wait from our own state first of all from the President of Ukraine and Ukrainian Government the general support of the initiative of holding the International Forum on the restoration of the rights of the Crimean Tatar people on its Homeland, ensuring its safety and guarantees of its development in Ukraine.
Four days ago, speaking at the 9th annual meeting in Yalta about the prospects of ratification of the Agreement about the association with the European Union, the President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych noted: “Today our partners had some particular questions to Ukraine. But I’m sure that all criticism will vanish after the coming Parliamentary elections and the way to a full-fledged association of Ukraine with the EU will be done to the end.”
In this connection the year of 2013 will be crucial for Ukraine as it chairs in the OSCE.
We think that Ukraine will have the unique chance to include into the priorities of its agenda during its charring in the OSCE the holding of the International Forum on the restoration of the rights of the Crimean Tatar people on its Homeland, ensuring its safety and guarantees of its development in Ukraine.
Thank you for your attention!
On September 18, 2012 the second meeting between Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people and heads of the diplomatic missions and international organizations, accredited in Ukraine was held on HYATT hotel.
The main reporters of the meeting were the Leader of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, MP of Ukraine Mustafa Jemilev, the President of the World Congress of Crimean Tatars Refat Chubarov, Head of the Council of Ministers of ARC Anatoly Mogilev, as well as the President of the Charitable organization “Foundation for Development of Crimea” Rustem Umerov, advisor of the OSCE High Commissioner Alexander Vinnikov, international coordinator of the group of experts on preparation of the independent report on situation in Crimea in the framework of the preparation to the International Forum Andrew Wilson.
The meeting was also attended by the representatives of the Administration of the President of Ukraine, the Permanent Representative of the President of Ukraine in ARC Viktor Plakida, as well as the officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine and Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine.
The meeting was held with financial support of the charitable organization “Foundation for Development of Crimea”.