Seminar for Teachers on Teachers’ Day

The MP of the Verkhovna Rada of ARC, Head of the Department of culture and education of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people Safure Kadzhametova came with an initiative to hold the international seminar, titled: “Interactive Methods of Education at School” in Qarasubazar.
The seminar was held by the Czech public organization “Association for the International Issues” in partnership with the Association of Crimean Tatar workers of education “Maarifchi” for Crimean Tatar workers of education in Qarasubazar (Belogorsk) region.

The seminar, held in the premises of Sary-Su school #4 was attended by the principals, heads of the curriculum department and teachers of Crimean Tatar, Russian, Ukrainian, English languages and history, working in Crimean Tatar schools, as well as 2-3 languages schools.

The coordinator of the Czech organization “International Projects” Zdenka Vagnerova and her assistants Valentina Lyulya, Yosef Marts and Martsel Magdam showed the interactive methods of education on the topics: “Usage of video materials at the lessons”, “What makes a best pupil”, “The phenomenon of the environment in education” and many more during two days. Having heard the lectures, Crimean Tatar teachers shared their own experience of using the interactive methods in their work and assured that they will use the knowledge, obtained at the seminar during the lessons.

The principals of the national schools Lenure Muzhdabaeva, Redife Ilyasova and their deputies were also going to spread the new methods among the school faculty in order to show them those teachers who couldn’t take part in the seminar.
Every participant of the seminar obtained the certificate. Safure Kadzhametova expressed her gratitude to the Coordinator of the Czech organization “International Projects” Zdenka Vagnerova and her assistants, as well as to the Head of Qarasubazar branch of Association “Maarifchi” Nadile Asanova, responsible for holding the seminar and presented them the letters of commendation and Crimean souvenirs.