Results of the 2nd Mission of International Expert Commission on Inclusion of Crimean Monuments to UNESCO World Heritage List

Saturday, October 15, 2011 the final meeting of the 2nd international expert commission on inclusion of the monuments of history and culture of Crimea into the UNESCO World Heritage List was held in the Ministry of Culture of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, headed by the professor Mr. Bernd von Droste – the leading advisor of the UNESCO, former Director of the UNESCO World Heritage Center.
The meeting, chaired by the Minister of Culture of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea Alena Plakida was attended by the Director of Bakhchisaray Historical – Cultural Reserve Valery Naumenko, Deputy Chairman of the Republican Land Committee Georgy Davydov, Deputy Chairman of the Republican Committee of ARC on Protection of Cultural Heritage Alexander Minaev, Head of Bakhchisaray Regional State Administration Ilmi Umerov, mayor of Bakhchisaray Konstantin Rubanenko, Head of the Department of land resources of Bakhchisaray Regional State Administration Refat Vahitov, scientists of the Taurida National University, Crimean astrophysical observatory, representatives of the Agency of Regional Development of Crimea.
The UNESCO expert group, headed by Professor Bernd von Droste was represented by Mr. Bernd von Droste’s assistant, PhD in Architecture Rikardo Shmidt, Head of the chair of history of the ancient world and middle ages of V.I. Vernadsky Taurida National University Alexander Gertsen, PhD in architecture, scientific worker of the Institute of monuments and protection researches of the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine Alexander Kharlanov and the main architect of Bakhchisaray Historical-Cultural Reserve Valery Borisov.
Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people was represented at the meeting by the First Deputy Chairman of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, member of the Verkhovna Rada of Crimea Refat Chubarov and the Head of the Department of foreign relations of Mejlis Ali Khamzin.
As is known, in May this year Professor Bernd von Dorste made his first working visit to Crimea during which he made a detailed study of the monuments of cultural and natural heritage of Crimea, nominated to the UNESCO World Heritage List – Khan’s Palace and Chersonese.
At the same time the UNESCO experts visited various regions of Crimea, particularly Stary Krym and Eupatoria where they examined the remnants of the monuments of history and culture of Crimea.
The goal of the 2nd mission of the UNESCO experts was the presentation of the preliminary results of the work made and agreement with Crimean partners concerning the further steps, related to the nomination of Khan’s Palace and Chufut-kale to UNESCO Heritage List.
One should note that the organization of the work of the mission of the UNESCO experts in Crimea in 2011 became possible due to the assistance of the EU mission in Ukraine.
During the meeting Professor Bernd von Dorste and Alexander Kharlan made reports titled “Preparatory Researches on Promotion to Cultural Heritage of Crimea” and “Protection zoning of Bakhchisaray Historical – Cultural Reserve” correspondingly. The concept of the plan of organization of the territory of the State Historical – Cultural Reserve in Bakhchisaray with determination of the borders and regimes of use of the zone of protection of the monuments presented the participants the extended proposals, concerning the future work on nomination of Khan’s Palace.
At this, Mr. Bernd von Dorste made a special emphasize that the success desired could be reached exclusively by joining efforts of all the parties concerned in conclusion of all the planned works in the shortest terms.
The participants of the meeting made some concrete proposals and amendments on the reports presented, as well as considered the presentations of Taurida National University and Crimea astrophysical observatory that could become the next projects, nominated to the UNESCO World Heritage List.
At the same time the meeting confirmed the existence of a range of the essential problems in the scientific organization and management of the monuments of cultural and natural heritage of Crimea.
In conclusion of the meeting Professor Bernd von Dorste noted that the passed stage in preparation of the monuments of Bakhchisaray Historical-Cultural Reserve – Khan’s Palace and Chufut-kale will let us be sure that on condition of the same successful work in 2012 the very nomination of the mentioned objects of cultural heritage could take place already in 2013.
At the same day Professor Bernd von Dorste and Mrs. Rikardo Shmidt met with the Chairman of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people Mustafa Jemilev in a friendly dinner, organized by Mejlis in honor of the high guests and UNESCO experts.