Resolution of Participants of Meeting in Front of General Consulate of Russian Federation in Simferopol

23 May 2013
Resolution of Participants of Meeting in Front of General Consulate of Russian Federation in Simferopol

In the 20th the European states suffered from two powerful totalitarian regimes – Nazis’ and Stalin’s ones. They brought genocide, violation of human rights and freedoms, military crimes and crimes against humanity.

The crimes committed by Nazi and Communist regimes in the 20th century were Holocaust, Holodomor, deportations, millions of killed innocent people belonging to different nationalities and religions.

The new concept of the international security forming today includes the protection of people’s rights and human rights from violence and injustice and obliges all governments and states and the society making the unwearying efforts aimed at building a truly democratic system, ensuring full protection of human rights, allowing no distinctions in the political culture and traditions as a pretext of new conflicts and disasters.

Only the frank and detailed discussion of history could and will promote to the reconciliation on the basis of truth and honor of the memory of those who died and dignity of those who live.

That is why it is very important that the governments of all states and their officials get rid of the model of behavior aimed at the policy of justification of the crimes against humanity committed in the past, including the deportation of Crimean Tatar people and decades of their forced keeping in exile.

The open and public statements of the General Consul of the Russian Federation in Simferopol Mr Andreev Vladimir, justifying the crimes committed by Stalin’s regime against humanity – the forced deportation of the Crimean Tatars and other peoples of the former USSR from their native lands, mass repressions and killing of millions of people belonging to different nationalities, humiliate the memory of those who were killed and threaten the restoration of the totalitarian regime, incite ethnic hatred and enmity in the Ukrainian society.

There is no need mentioning that making the statements justifying the crimes of the communist regime of the USSR against Crimean Tatar people the General Consul of the Russian Federation openly opposed the international obligations and his own state – the Russian Federation, including agreements relating to the restoration of the rights of the deportees, national minorities and peoples.

We, the participants of the meeting in front of the General Consulate of the Russian Federation in Simferopol demand:

– from the President of the Russian Federation Mr Vladimir Putin to recall immediately the General Consul of the Russian Federation in Simferopol Mr Andreev Vladimir,

– from the President of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine to declare the General Consul of the Russian Federation in Simferopol Mr Andreev Vladimir a persona non grata.

We, the participants of the meeting follow from the fact that in order to keep the friendly relations between Ukraine and Russia the political leaders and parliaments of Ukraine and Russian Federation must take all measures to avoid the provocations made by certain high rank officials that could threaten the friendship between our countries, including the General Consul of the Russian Federation in Simferopol Mr Andreev.

Participants of the meeting

In front of the General Consulate of the Russian Federation in Simferopol

May 23, 2013