Resolution of Meeting of Crimean Tatars: «No to Provocateurs! Yes to Unity of Crimean Tatar People!»

21 November 2011
Resolution of Meeting of Crimean Tatars: «No to Provocateurs! Yes to Unity of Crimean Tatar People!»

Today, on November 21, 2011 a group of people, numbering around fifteen persons, notorious among our nationals for their previous sectarian activities, aimed against the unity and cohesion of the Crimean Tatar people, made just one more attempt to split the Crimean Tatar national movement.

This time, as before, a group of provocateurs, consisting of marginal persons, who were rejected by their people from the political life and who have failed in their attempts to split the Crimean Tatar people, including the last elections of the members of the Verkhovna Rada of Crimea, local councils and village, settlement, towns heads, tried to camouflage the preparation and carrying out of a massive provocation, ordered by their hosts, against their people by false and mean ungrounded statements.

The provocateurs were set a goal to ruin by any means the single system of the elective bodies of the national self-governance of the Crimean Tatar people, embodying Qurultay of the Crimean Tatar people, Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, regional and local mejlises, and also to disorient the activity of the numerous public organizations of Crimean Tatars, veterans of the National movement of Crimean Tatars, to bring turmoil and disorder to the Muslim Ummah of Crimea.

One should make a special emphasize that the activization of the provocation against the Crimean Tatar national movement is undoubtedly related to the approaching International forum on the restoration of the rights of the Crimean Tatar people to their homeland, its security and guarantees of development in Ukraine under an aegis of the International organizations.

It becomes evident that the opponents of the restoration of the rights of the Crimean Tatar people seeking to torpedo the very possibility of carrying out of the International forum, including using of the provocateurs.

The Crimean Tatar people, possessing an enormous experience in the political struggle and special immunity for various kinds of provocations, including the ones, the separate ambitious and corrupted individuals among our nationals were mixed in. They were obtained during a whole period of our struggle for the return to our native land and restoration of our rights, and will repulse ruthlessly any provocateurs, trying to ruin the unity and integrity of the Crimean Tatar people.

At the very crucial point – the beginning of the massive return of the Crimean Tatar people to its motherland and the first steps on the way to the revival, on June 1991 the Crimean Tatar people restored its traditional national institute – Qurultay and formed the bodies of the national self-governance of Crimean Tatars, that let it preserving traditions and multiplying the contribution of the previous generations of the national movement of Crimean Tatars, ensuring the high activity of the present generation in achievement of the goals of the Crimean Tatar movement and forming of the continuity of generations of Crimean Tatars in serving to the lofty goals and interests of the Crimean Tatar people.

We, participants of the meeting, condemning the provocative actions of a range of the marginal individuals among our nationals, express our decisive support of the activity of the bodies of the national self-governance of Crimean Tatars – Qurultay of the Crimean Tatar people, Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, regional and local mejlises of Crimean Tatars.

We, participants of the meeting, address to the whole Crimean Tatar people to condemn decisively the destructive actions of the provocateurs and adoption of the public measures, aimed at ensuring of the further unity and integrity of the Crimean Tatar people!

Adopted at the meeting of Crimean Tatars on November 21, 2011,