Resolution of All-Crimean Meeting, Timed to International Human Rights Day

The state’s obligation is to ensure the human rights and peoples’ rights. At this, every person has right to be heard and influence on the process of the decision-making, that affects the society, and every people has right to self-determination, providing the possibility to determine freely its political status and ensure freely its economical, social and cultural development. These rights are fixed in the Universal Human Rights Declaration and other basic international legal acts, in particular in the International Pact on civil and political rights.
However, nothing in this world, Ukraine and Crimea won’t change to the better if we won’t raise our voice to let everyone exercise fully one’s human rights, as it was provided in the Universal Human Rights Declaration. There is no doubt that it is impossible to ensure the individual human rights if the inequality of peoples preserve.
In 2012 the UN focused its attention on the necessity to protect the rights and freedoms of those whose rights are still being violated and called the states to make so that their voices were heard in the society and their needs were taken into consideration when the political decisions are made.
The UN Secretary-General Mr. Ban Ki-moon’s address on the occasion of the Human Rights Day makes a special emphasize that “the indigenous peoples often face with the discrimination that deprives them of the full exercising of the rights, guaranteed or creates situations when their circumstances don’t take into consideration”.
The ongoing discrimination of human rights in Ukraine, the Ukrainian state’s open ignoring of the necessity to restore the rights of the Crimean Tatar people are the main obstacles on the way of building the civil society in Ukraine, called to ensure the equality, justice and adequate living conditions for all its citizens.
We, participants of all-Crimean meeting, held in Simferopol on December 10, 2012 dedicated to the International Human Rights Day, stating about our adherence to the goals of building an independent and democratic Ukrainian state, its integration to the European Union, follow from the fact that 2013 – the year of Ukraine’s chairing in the OSCE, must be marked with the assertion of the fundamental human rights and freedoms, drastic changes of Ukraine’s position concerning the restoration of the rights of the Crimean Tatar people. Taking this into consideration, we call the President of Ukraine – the guarantee of the human rights and freedoms and citizen’s rights to support the initiative of the Crimean Tatar people, approved by the governments of the OSCE member-states and international organizations, to hold the International Forum in 2013.
We, participants of all-Crimean meeting will make our best to strengthen the cohesion and spiritual unity of the Crimean Tatar people, further development of the elective bodies of the Crimean Tatar people – Qurultay of the Crimean Tatar people, Milli Mejlis, regional and local mejlises.
We also call all Crimean residents, irrespective of their nationality and religion to unite their efforts in the area of protection of the human rights and peoples’ rights for the sake of Crimea and its future.
Adopted at all-Crimean meeting, timed to the
International Human Rights Day
Aqmescit (Simferopol), December 10, 2012