Residents of Dobroe Valley of Simferopol Region Celebrated the National Crimean Tatar Festival Hidirellez

07 May 2012
Residents of Dobroe Valley of Simferopol Region Celebrated the National Crimean Tatar Festival Hidirellez

On May 6, 2012 the residents of Mamut-Sultan (Dobroe), Tahta-Jami (Andrusova), Eski-Saray (Pionerskoe), Shumhay (Zarechnoe), Angara (Perevalnoe), Tavel (Krasnoles’e) of Dobrovsky village council have celebrated the national Crimean Tatar Festival Hidirellez.

Its celebration was held at the stadium where on the installed stage the amateur talent groups and pupils of the national classes and groups of local school and kindergarten from early morning entertained people with national music, songs and dances. Pilau and chebureks were cooked near and everyone tasted flavored coffee and sweets.

The young men demonstrated their boldness in the national wrestling Kuresh. The children romped cheerfully on the paying grounds. The young parents made pictures with their children next to the small zoo park of toy animals. At the same time the handicraftsmen demonstrated everyone their works: embroidery, pottery, national dolls and jewelry.

Traditionally, the elders of the valley opened the festival, making (Dua) prayer. Mother of a large family, grandmother having 14 grandchildren – the honored Fatma Bitay Yazydjieva was given the honor to roll downhill qalatay (buttery cake). Despite that the qalatay fell upside down, people applauded and made forecasts that it could be a rainy summer, but rich autumn.

Many guests came to Dobrovskaya valley to congratulate its residents with Hidirellez-Bayram, including the Chairman of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, Mustafa Jemilev, President of the World Congress of Crimean Tatars, Refat Chubarov, Head of Dobroevsky village council Igor Budanov, Head of the Department of culture and education of Mejlis, MP of VR of ARC, Safure Kadzhametova, member of the Presidium of Mejlis Zevdzhet Qurtumerov, member of Mejlis Fevzi Qubedinov, CEO of the charitable organization “Foundation “Qrim”, Riza Shevkiev, representatives of Crimean Tatar public organizations, the Honored Artist of ARC Zarema hanym and her daughter, participant of Ukrainian show “Golos Krainy” Sevil’ Memetova and many others.

Celebration of Hidirellez for the Crimean Tatar people, professing Islam, despite some statements, doesn’t violate the dogmas of the religion, but demonstrates the ancient customs and the richest culture of our people, – Mejlis’ leader Mustafa Jemilev said in his speech. Returning to our Homeland we restore grain by grain our multifaceted culture, no people on the Earth could live without. We must be proud of our culture and traditions and pass it on from one generation to another. This would let us preserve and multiply our heritage”. Mejlis’ leader also said that literally in two weeks the all-Crimean mourning meeting to be held in Aqmescit and called our nationals to show their utmost cohesion and activity, to honor the memory of many our nationals that fell victims to the genocide in 1944.

Igor Budanov, Refat Chubarov, Safure Kadzhametova and Zevdzhet Kurtumerov also expressed their warm words, congratulating the residents of Mamut-Sultan valley wishing all Crimean residents a good yield and respect to each other. All participants of the concert and athletic program were awarded with the souvenirs.

Reference:   This year Hidirellez in Mamut-Sultan was organized in the framework of the Program of the social-economic development of Dobrovsky village council in partnership with the local entrepreneurs.