Regular Meeting of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People

On October 9, 2012 the regular meeting of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people was held
The meeting’s agenda consisted of three issues: the elections to local mejlises in Sevastopol region; the coming election of MPs of Ukraine; the draft Provision on election of the delegates of Qurultay of the Crimean Tatar people.
The First Vice Chairman of Mejlis, Head of the Commission on preparation and organization of elections to local mejlises Refat Chubarov informed about the course of preparation to the elections to local mejlises in Sevastopol region. He told in details about the problems, aroused during the preparation to the elections to local mejlises, since the moment of forming the local territorial election commissions up to the nomination and registration of the delegates. Refat Chubarov also informed that the candidates and alternative candidates were registered in every of 6 local mejlises. The most problems during the process of nomination and registration of candidates aroused in Aqyar Mejlis, where initially the insufficient number of candidates to the members of local mejlises was nominated, and then there were controversies aver the registration of the candidates and the Head of the Commission on the preparation and organization of the elections to local mejlises Refat Chubarov and the Secretary of the commission Zair Smedlyaev had to come to Sevastopol several times. Today the local territorial election commission registered 9 candidates to the members of Aqyar Mejlis, another 9 candidates were refused due to the violation of the procedure of nomination and filing of the documents required. After the discussion of the situation and hearing all the parties the members of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people decided to leave in force the decision of Aqyar territorial election commission on election of the members of local Mejlis on registration of 9 candidates, adopted on October 2, 2012.

As far as the consideration of the draft Provision on the election of the delegates of Qurultay of the Crimean Tatar people concerns the proposal was made to make the presentation of the project and to it discuss in details at the nearest meeting of the Presidium of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people. The members of the Presidium of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people have to study the draft during the coming week in order to let Mejlis adopt the final decision. This proposal was supported by the majority of Mejlis’ members. The members of the Central election commission on the election of the delegates of Qurultay of the Crimean Tatar people, present at the meeting adopted the suggestion of Mejlis’ members.