Refat Chubarov: «On December 10, 2011 at the Meeting We will Talk about Inseparability of Human Rights and Peoples’ Rights»

07 December 2011
Refat Chubarov: «On December 10, 2011 at the Meeting We will Talk about Inseparability of Human Rights and Peoples’ Rights»

The press conference of the First Deputy Chairman of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, member of the Verkhovna Rada of ARC Refat Chubarov was held in the Press Center of the Information Agency “QHA” on December 7, 2011.

The press conference, titled: “Human Rights and peoples’ rights are inseparable!” and was dedicated to the impending International Human Rights Day, celebrated annually by all freedom loving peoples on December 10. Right on this day 63 years ago, on December 10, 1948 the United Nation Organization adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

During the press conference the First Deputy Chairman of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, Refat Chubarov informed about the events, planned by Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people and Crimean Tatar public organizations on December 10, 2011.

 “The world is extremely imperfect. It was so before and it remains the same today in many respects, but on every stage of its development the mankind tried to find the formula of the general consent and prosperity, however, they succeeded in it so far as some people were ready to bind their rights with other people’s rights,”- Refat Chubarov said in the beginning of his speech. WW2, its destructive consequences and catastrophes that many peoples and states suffered made the leaders of the leading states to comprehend the necessity to develop and adopt the universal international legal acts that could serve the basis of ensuring the peaceful development of the mankind”.

Refat Chubarov reminded that in 1948 the UN General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that became a basis of the adoption of all the consequent international legal acts and fist of all the International Pact on Civil and Political Rights and International Pact on Economical, Social and Cultural Rights that clearly provide the rights of peoples and obligations of states before the human rights and peoples’ rights. In fact these two international legal acts mentioned above, along with the optional protocols, adopted later, served the starting point of the preparation and adoption in 2007 of the UN Declaration on the rights of the indigenous peoples.

“Thus. Refat Chubarov concluded, it is evident that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is the basis of that firm international legal foundation that could and must serve a basis for protection of our rights. That is why, by the way, like in the previous years, Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people supported the initiative of a range of Crimean Tatar public organizations proposing Mejlis to hold the all-Crimean meeting, dedicated to the International Human Rights Day.”

It’s a common knowledge that all-Crimean meeting, dedicated to the International Human Rights Day to be held on Sunday, December 10, 2011 on the Central square of Simferopol. The meeting begins at 11.00 a.m.

This year we also agreed the text of the joint address to the community, calling everyone to take part in all-Crimean meeting, thus showing the awareness of the importance of people’s unity for the sake of the protection of their rights”.

Answering the numerous questions of the journalists from Ukrainian and Crimean Mass Media, Refat Chubarov expressed his confidence that marking the International Human Rights Day recently held in Crimea will become soon that very date that could unite all Crimean population, irrespective of their nationality and religion.

 “On December 10, 2011 at the meeting we will talk about inseparability of Human Rights and peoples’ rights, about a failure to ensure just one part of the right, ignoring another one,”- Refat Chubarov said and expressed the hope that this event will be supported by the wide layers of Crimean population.

“We address our calling to all public organizations of Crimea and hope that they will respond,”- Mr. Chubarov underscored, answering the question concerning the reaction of non-Crimean Tatar public organizations on Mejlis’ address to hold all-Crimean meeting, dedicated to the International Human Rights Day on December 10.

One of the proofs of the necessity of the joint solution of Human Rights and peoples’ rights, as Refat Chubarov specified, Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people choose as the main slogan of the meeting the famous words of the great educator of the Turkish world Ismail Gasprinsky – “Til’de, fikirde, ishte – birlik!” (Unity in language, thoughts and actions!).

Answering the question of one of the journalists – “shouldn’t the all-Crimean meeting regarded as the “answer” to the actions of the critics of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, held on November 21, 2011 before the building of the Crimean Tatar theatre,” Refat Chubarov mentioned briefly: “It would be too much honor to those who could only criticize others in order to try to become famous, thus hiding their political bankruptcy. Let they do something useful for the people, maybe in this case someone will pay attention to them”.

In conclusion Refat Chubarov once again drew Mass Media’s attention to the fact that the main condition of the establishment of the civil society is the understanding by every individual of the necessity of both personally and in unity with other people, to stand for the individual and collective rights. “Holding the all-Crimean meeting on December 10, 2011 we want again to state about the natural rights of the Crimean Tatar people – the right for self-determination, without which it will be hard to count on the observance of the Human Rights in Ukraine. At this, it is evident that the forms of exercising of the right of the Crimean Tatar people on self-determination, proposed by the Crimean Tatar national movement, not only threatens the territorial integrity of Ukraine, but on the contrary will promote the strengthening of its sovereignty and international authority”.