Refat Chubarov Met With General Consul of Turkish Republic in Odessa Huseyin Ergani

19 July 2011
Refat Chubarov Met With General Consul of Turkish Republic in Odessa Huseyin Ergani

On July 19, 2011 the President of the World Congress of Crimean Tatars, First Deputy Chairman of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people Refat Chubarov met with the General Consul of Turkish Republic in Odessa Huseyin Ergani who came to Crimea for the first time after his recent appointment.

During the meeting that was held in Simferopol Refat Chubarov and Huseyin Ergani discussed the modern situation of the Crimean Tatar people, giving a special attention to the issues of the humanitarian development that would favor to broadening of comprehensive relations between Ukraine and Turkey.

Refat Chubarov also informed the General Consul of Turkish Republic in Odessa Huseyin Ergani about the preparation to the construction of Buyuk Cuma Cami (Central Mosque) in Simferopol.

Huseyin Ergani mentioned that when he was preparing to the visit to Crimea as the General Consul he paid a special attention to reports of Mass Media about the relations between the society and authorities. “To my mind, Mr Ergani added, there are two stable forms of the dialogue between all active participants of the public-political processes in Crimea that surely is an obligatory condition for broadening of the process of seeking solutions to the problems faced by the society.”

Continuing the theme of broadening the cooperation between Ukraine and Turkey, Refat Chubarov drew attention of the General Consul of Turkish Republic in Odessa Huseyin Ergani to the fact that “the consistent invitation of the Crimean government of the foreign investors to take part in various projects testifies to the serious intentions of the Crimean authorities to implement the goals set before them in economic development of Crimea”. He proposed his interlocutor to promote to the establishment of the direct partnership between various regions of Turkey and Crimean regions and towns.

In conclusion of the meeting Refat Chubarov thanked the General Consul of Turkish Republic in Odessa Huseyin Ergani for his attention and interest to the issues of development of Crimea and problems of the Crimean Tatar people.