
Refat Chubarov: Head of Crimean Branch of Party of Regions of Ukraine Mr Anatoly Mogilev Will also Bear Responsibility for Anti Constitutional and Criminal Decisions of VR ARC

21 February 2014
Refat Chubarov: Head of Crimean Branch of Party of Regions of Ukraine Mr Anatoly Mogilev Will also Bear Responsibility for Anti Constitutional and Criminal Decisions of VR ARC

Mr Refat Chubarov, Chairman of the Mejlis thinks that if today on February 21, 2014 the majority of the deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of Crimea will adopt the anti Constitutional and criminal decisions aimed at separation of Crimea from Ukraine, as well as any appeals to Russia, Mr Anatoly Mogilev, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of ARC being in Kyiv at the moment will bear responsibility for this as the Head of Crimean Branch of Party of Regions of Ukraine. Mr Refat Chubarov wrote this on his Facebook page on February 21, 2014.

It will be recalled that on February 20, 2014 in the evening the Chairman of the Mejlis wrote on Facebook that at 10.42 p.m. Mr Leonid Pilunsky, MP called him and told that he received a message that the special session of the VR of Crimea will be held on February 21, 2014 at 12 p.m. He was not told the agenda of the session. The Chairman of the Mejlis found out in the Secretariat of VR of Crimea – the agenda of the session is “On public and political situation in Ukraine”.

“In light of today’s statements of the Chairman of the VR ARC Mr Konstantinov who is presently in Moscow (return in the morning on February 21) having bad feelings I called Mr Grigory Ioffe, Vice Speaker of VR ARC. I asked him what the urgent thing? Mr Ioffe replied: “Do you know that 6 Crimean residents that returned from Kyiv to Crimea were killed?” I replied: “It was a terrible tragedy, indeed! Why session? Do you want to use this tragedy as a pretext to realize openly planned calling to Russia for “protection”? Do you understand that the consequences of this decision of VR ARC will open even more tragedy for Crimea and its residents? We both start speaking in high tones… Well, the Speaker of Crimean Parliament and his surrounding disclosed their plans: tomorrow they can adopt decisions that will bring chaos and disaster to Crimea”.