Refat Chubarov convinced that the authorities have to stop, because only they know how far their «plans» could go

01 March 2013
Refat Chubarov convinced that the authorities have to stop, because only they know how far their «plans» could go

According to the First Vice Chairman of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, Head of the Parliamentary faction “Qurultay-Rukh” in the VR ARC Refat Chubarov when the authorities have problems with the integral people and do not want to solve them, the authorities pick up those individuals that are convenient to them. He made such statement on February 28, 2013 at “Gravitation” talk show in ATR channel, discussing the issues of the interrelation between the authorities and Crimean Tatar people.

“Today it is more correct to tell about the reformatting of the relations between the authorities and the Crimean Tatar people, initiated by the authorities themselves,”- R.Chubarov underscored. At this, he specified that this reformatting has its particular goals.

“It’s a pity that Rustem Temirgaliev didn’t attend the talk show, though he was invited, as he is known today as a mouthpiece of the political-technological ideas, generated here in Crimea and in Kyiv in respect of Crimean Tatars. It’s also a pity that Lentun Bezaziev didn’t come here, because being so called Head of the Council of representatives of the Crimean Tatar people of the President of Ukraine, these ideas are then developed in his office, including the issue “when R.Temirgaliev will replace Aziz Abdullaev in his post”. I can proof what I’ve said,” – Refat Chubarov stated.

The First Vice Chairman of Mejlis Refat Chubarov convinced that today one should say that the authorities have to stop, because only they and people that serve them know how far their “plans” could go.

“Any authorities in relations with the indigenous peoples must interrelate with those groups and national structures that were established by these people themselves,”- R.Chubarov said. The politician reminded once again that Mejlis and Qurultay of the Crimean Tatar people is a single instrument, elected by Crimean Tatars themselves, irrespective of the attitude to them of the others. Crimean Tatars did not invent others yet. These national institutions are improving from elections to elections.

Refat Chubarov also convinced that despite the fact that the authorities decided to disorient the Crimean Tatar people in its Homeland, Crimean Tatars can respond this challenge appropriately.