Recalling Afghanistan…

15 February 2012
Recalling Afghanistan…

On February 15 the whole Ukraine celebrated the 23rd anniversary of the withdrawal of the USSR troops from the Republic of Afghanistan. On this date the last Soviet Union troops along with the General-Lieutenant Boris Gromov crossed the bridge of friendship over the River Amudarya.

In the framework of the celebration of the anniversary the residents of Saki honored the Afghan soldiers-internationalists as well. The celebration program included: laying of flowers to the monument of Veterans of Afghan war and other local wars, guests’ speeches, awarding of the letters of honor and rewards, and the concert program as well.

The Head of Saki Regional State Administration Sergey Karloshenko, the Deputy Head of Regional Council Oleg Polyakov, Head of Saki territorial branch of the Union of the Veterans Afghan war Vladimir Burkaltsev congratulated the veterans of Afghanistan, saying many warm words.

The last word was given to the Chairman of Saki Regional Mejlis, member of Saki Regional Council Zevdzhet Kurtumerov who on behalf of the Chairman of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, MP of Ukraine Mustafa Jemilev awarded the veterans of Afghan war Usman Muratov, Anatoly Antonenko and Musa Dzhemalyadinov with the letters of honor.

The letter said: “For the active social position, strengthening of the international and interreligious relations, solution of the sensitive problems of the veterans of Afghan war, strengthening of friendship, peace and prosperity of the residents of Saki region”.
In conclusion of the official part there was a concert, organized by Saki House of Culture and ensemble of the veterans of Afghan war.