Real Steps Must be Taken

01 March 2012
Real Steps Must be Taken

On February 29, the broad meeting of the Union of Crimean Tatar Writers was held in the Permanent Commission on Interethnic Relations and Deported Persons of the Verkhovna Rada of Crimea, attended by the Head of the Commission Remzi Ilyasov, Head of the Committee on Interethnic Relations and Deported Persons of ARC Edem dudakov, Head of the Department of education and culture of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, MP of ARC Safure Kadzhametova and representatives of Mass Media.

The literature is a mirror of spirituality. There isn’t enough attention paid to the literature and spirituality lately. The writers and poets are left along with their problems. One has written a work, but has no possibility to publish it. Another one has already published the book, but can’t organize the selling of his books, the third one has finished his novel, but gives no permission to publish it until he won’t receive a fee for it. There are enough problems.

The participants of the meeting discussed the issues of popularization of literature, work with the writers-beginners, fees and copyright. The Head of the Union of Crimean Tatar Writers noted that the situation with Crimean Tatar literature gets worse from year to year. The state provides no assistance and pays no attention to the problems of the men of letters. There is a mess in publication of books and text-books.

The main editor of “Yildiz” magazine, Dilyaver Osmanov told about the situation with the magazine and plans for the future. The members of the Union of Writers Ablyaziz Veliev, Uriye Edemova, Sheryan Ali, Zakir Kurtnezir underscored the necessity to restore the publishing house in Crimean Tatar language, protection of copyrights, encouragement of writers, support of the activity of the creative union “Ilham”, publication of the literary miscellany of young writers.

Listening to all the writers Safure Kadzhametova underscored the important role of writers and teachers in public life and the necessity to solve the sensitive problems all together. Safure Kadzhametova proposed the writers to show more activity, provide the concrete projects and applications to the governmental bodies of Crimea and Ukraine, international organizations.

In order to solve the current problems one should take the real steps. The writers supported the program “Atalyk” (patronage) of the Association “Maarifchi” and along with the members of the association visited many Crimean schools. It would be great if the writers continued the program themselves. The editorial office of belles-lettres in Crimean Tatar language must be reestablished this time as the department of the Publishing House “Krymuchpedgiz”. The writers should take under their patronage the creative union “Ilham”,- S.Kadzhametova said.

Edem Dudakov and Remzi Ilyasov chalk up all the above mentioned proposals and promised the all possible assistance and called the writers to be more active.