R.Chubarov: In case the Crimean Militia officers who knew about the coming pogrom in Molodezhnoe won’t be punished and made public, one could make the conclusion that the illegality was agreed and approved by the authorities

04 December 2012
R.Chubarov: In case the Crimean Militia officers who knew about the coming pogrom in Molodezhnoe won’t be punished and made public, one could make the conclusion that the illegality was agreed and approved by the authorities

The First Vice Chairman of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, Head of the Parliamentary faction “Qurultay-Rukh” in the Verkhovna Rada of ARC Refat Chubarov made this statement at his press conference, titled: “Two provocations during one night… Who wants to blow up the situation in Crimea?”

Speaking about the night pogrom on November 30 – December 1, 2012 in the “protest camp” in Molodezhnoe settlement the First Vice Chairman of Mejlis Refat Chubarov noted that the territory that was occupied by the participants of the protest camp was disputable. However, at the same time, according to R.Chubarov, part of land of Prigorodny enterprise, locating along Simferopol-Dzhankoy road was allotted for agricultural needs, but them it turned out that this land can’t be used for agriculture.

“Molodezhnoe village council repeatedly applied to various bodies asking to exchange the land plots, allotted in this territory, and to allot them the land in another territory, pointing at this territories and to use the territories in Molodezhnoe settlement to broaden the territory of the settlement,”- R.Chubarov explained.

Refat Chubarov told the journalists that before the beginning of his press conference he met with the MP of the VR ARC, the leader of the Party “Russian Unity” Sergei Aksenov. As is known, the Party Russian Unity, leaded by S.Aksenov took the responsibility for the pogrom at Sunday night in Molodezhnoe.

“For me it was very important to hear the arguments of one of the Crimean public organizations, supporting the very idea of how it is acceptable in Crimean situation, and in general, when someone makes the decision to restore justice, as this organization thinks it is possible,”- R.Chubarov said.

According to the Head of the Parliamentary faction “Qurultay-Rukh” in the Verkhovna Rada of ARC R.Chubarov, Mr Aksenov thinks that it is acceptable to involve people to execute the court’s decisions if this organization considers that this decision must be obeyed by all the parties.

In his turn R.Chubarov believes that the Pandora’s Box was opened today in Ukraine, when people were involved to execute the court’s decision on their own discretion and in the form admissible. “I don’t remember such events in Crimea since mid 90-es when a group of persons, having their own understanding of justice, could come somewhere or someone and restore “justice” their own way. As you remember, today we recall these times as a gangster times,”- he said.

The First Vice Chairman of Mejlis doesn’t exclude that part of the leadership of Crimean Militia was involved into the illegal actions. “In connection with this fact we have some questions to the Public Prosecutor’s Office – how legal were the actions of Crimean Militia that gave order to ensure this illegal action,”- R.Chubarov underscored.

According to R.Chubarov the explanations of the press center of MB of MIA of Ukraine in Crimea that Militia received the information and provided the public order are not objective, because the guarding on the contrary would be not to let the young men, numbering more than 100 persons to do their quite doubtful actions, all the more at 2 a.m., and especially without the due legalization on the part of the executors.

Refat Chubarov stated that the further evaluations of Crimean Tatar community will depend on the decision of the Republican Public Prosecutor’s Office. “I don’t want to state that all the actions of the pogrom-makers were agreed with the authorities and with Militia in the whole, however, in case the officers of Crimean Militia who knew about the coming mess in Molodezhnoe won’t be punished and made public, one could make the conclusion that the illegality was agreed and approved by the authorities,”- he underscored.

We would remind you that at night on November 30 – December 1 the constructions in Crimean Tatar protest camp next to Molodezhnoe settlement in Simferopol region were destroyed, and the unestablished persons attacked the guard in the territory of the future construction of Buyuk Juma Jami (Central Mosque) throwing bottles with inflammable liquid to the guard’s wagon.