Qarasubazar Regional Mejlis Confirms Its Participation in All-Crimean Meeting on December 10, 2013 Timed to International Human Rights Day

02 December 2013
Qarasubazar Regional Mejlis Confirms Its Participation in All-Crimean Meeting on December 10, 2013 Timed to International Human Rights Day

On November 30, 2013, Saturday, the meeting of Qarasubazar Regional Mejlis took place.

The work of the meeting was attended by the local mejlises of Qarasubazar region, as well as Mr Shevket Kaibulaev, member of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People, chief editor of newspaper “Avdet” and Mr Ali Ozenbash, Head of the Revision Commission of the Qurultay of the 6th convocation.

According to Mr Kaibulaev, during the meeting the issues relating to the preparation and holding of the all-Crimean meeting on December 10, 2013 in Aqmescit timed to the International Human Rights Day.

In addition, the issues of the development of the national classes and activization of subscription on the national printing Mass Media were considered.

Qarasubazar Regional Mejlis confirmed its participation in all-Crimean meeting on December 10, 2013 timed to the International Human Rights Day.

It should be noted that in conclusion of the meeting all the present organized the subscription to the national print periodicals on 2014.