Professor Nicolay Abaev Calls to Profound Studying of Significant Role of Giray Dynasty in History of Crimea

23 June 2011
Professor Nicolay Abaev Calls to Profound Studying of Significant Role of Giray Dynasty in History of Crimea

On June 22, 2011 the Head of the foreign relations department of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people Ali Khamzin met PhD in history, professor of the chair of philosophy of Tuvinian State University Nicolay Abaev.

Professor Abaev came there in order to take part in the “Second International Scientific Conference (Odessian ethnographic readings): Calendar Rites in the Ethnic Groups’ Life”. The organizers of the scientific conference were the Ministry of education and science, youth and sports of Ukraine, Odessa National University named after I.I. Mechnikov historical department, Administration on nationalities and religions of Odessa regional state administration and Odessa branch of National union of experts on local history of Ukraine.

During the meeting the parties discussed the issues related to the situation and modern development of the Crimean Tatar people in Crimea. Ali Khamzin informed about the visit of the leading UNESCO expert professor Bernd von Droste to Crimea aimed at preparation of nomination of the cultural objects to the List of the UNESCO World Heritage, where Bakhchisaray Khan’s palace could be included.

Professor Abaev N.B. evaluated highly the activity of the national bodies of self-government of Crimean Tatars – Qurultay and Mejlis, whose development principles are based on the century-old democratic traditions of the Turkic World. As the famous researcher of the historical heritage of Chingizkhan professor Abaev underscored that he gives a great significance in his studies to the question of legitimization of Crimean rulers, as Chingizids, the legitimate successors of khans Girays’ dynasty. “This very dynasty in the 15-18 centuries played an important positive role in formation of the geopolitical situation in trans-Black Sea region, that created possibility for development of the modern Ukraine as an independent state,”- professor underscored. According to professor Abaev there was a synthesis of different civilizations and ethnic cultures, both settled and nomadic in the territory of Crimea for many millenniums. One of the most important components for formation of the Crimean Tatar people were Siberian Scythians and Turk-Mongol nomads of the Central Asia,”- he added.

Continuing the dialogue the scientist stressed that Crimean Tatars absorbed the ethno-cultural heritage of all the most ancient people that lived in the territory of Crimea even before the Hellene period, up to Mongol-Tatar epoch. “Family and dynasty of Crimean Girays are the direct descendants of Chingizkhan, at the same time they are genealogical successors of the ruling aristocratic families of Turkic peoples of the Central Asia and Sayan-Altay, whose roots goes back to Siberian Scythians and Huns (“hunnu” – “people of Sun”),” –N.B.Abaev considers.

As the academician noted there is an opinion among the scientists-orientalists and experts in the area of political culture of Turk-Mongol peoples that the fact that only the dynasty of Girays could exist and rule in Crimea up to the end of the 18th century was very important in the history of the Chingizids of Eurasia. “According to historical measures it was most recently, almost “yesterday, – academician Abaev N.B. noted. The fact that the direct descendants of Giray dynasty preserved, that were recognized by the famous dynastic Houses is particularly important in all many-century-old history of Chingizids”.

The academician comes with an initiative to carry out Qurultay of representatives of the dynasty of Chingizkhan, including Girays dynasty, that will give new important impulse to study the historical role of this dynasty in development of the Eurasian civilization. According to Nicolay Abaev Crimean historians shouldn’t avoid studying and discussion of historical role of Girays dynasty in Crimea.
At the end of the meeting Ali Khamzin invited professor Abaev to visit Crimea at any suitable time.

Reference: Nicolay Abaev – PhD in history, professor of the chair of philosophy of Tuvinian State University, head of laboratory of “nomad” civilizations, academician of Russian Academy of Social Sciences and International Academy of Normalization (New-York), honored Doctor of Buddhist philosophy of the Institute of Buddhism of Buddhist traditional sangha of Russia, member of the House of representatives of the Great Khural (Parliament) of the Republic of Tuva (2006-2010), Honored worker of Science of the Republic of Tuva. Place of residence – Kyzyl, the Republic of Tuva.