Press Conference on Present Situation of Crimean Tatars to be Held in Warsaw on January 18, 2013

15 January 2013
Press Conference on Present Situation of Crimean Tatars to be Held in Warsaw on January 18, 2013

We would remind you that the action of Polish human rights advocates, titled: “No provocations in Crimea! Let’s prevent repetition of bloody tragedy of Kosovo” has been holding in Poland since January 1, 2013.

According to the organizer of the press conference, the former member of the eastern branch of the Fighting underground Solidarity (“Solidarność Walcząca”) Peter Hlebovich, one of the reasons of the meeting with the journalists became the provocations in Crimea that recently became more frequent on the side of pro-Russian organizations against Crimean Tatars.

As is known, on January 1, 2013 Peter Hlebovich came with the initiative to start the action of Polish human rights advocates and anti-Communists “No provocations in Crimea! Let’s prevent repetition of bloody tragedy of Kosovo”.

The participants of the action sent the President of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, as well as the international community and the OSCE member-states the Address in support of the rights of the Crimean Tatar people “STOP prowokacjom na Krymie!” (Stop provocations in Crimea).

The Address was adopted in connection with the recent provocations against Crimean Tatars, organized by pro-Russian organizations in December 2012.

The Address was signed by more than 200 prominent activists of Polish and international community. The collection of signatures goes on.

The press conference will be attended by the Head of the Department of foreign affairs of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people Ali Hamzin.

The ex-Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Poland Yadviga Hmelevska will be the host of the press conference.