Presidium of Mejlis Supports Demands of Immediate Resignation of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and Holding Early Elections to Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

03 December 2013
Presidium of Mejlis Supports Demands of Immediate Resignation of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and Holding Early Elections to Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

Statement of the Presidium of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People

“On Political Situation in Ukraine”

The political crisis develops in Ukraine caused by the deceitful decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine about the suspension of the preparation to the ratification of the EU – Ukraine Association Agreement and rejection of the President of Ukraine to sign the Agreement at the Eastern Partnership Summit in Vilnius.

Such opposite changes of the position of the Government and the President of Ukraine that during the recent years stated about the invariability of the course of Ukraine on closing in with the EU evoked the indignation and protest of the multinational society of Ukraine. Millions of Ukrainian citizens took part in the peaceful protests and meetings in support of Ukraine’s integration into the EU.

The official authorities of Ukraine instead the public dialogue responded with the massacre against the peaceful citizens and repressions against their participants. In early morning on November 30, 2013, the whole world became the eyewitnesses of the brutal beating of the peaceful action in Maidan Nezalezhnosti (Independence Square) in Kyiv committed by the special unit of police of Ukraine.

The unreasonable cruelty against the students and everyone who decided to show one’s civil position, in full concordance with the present law of Ukraine, stirred up the whole Ukraine.

On December 1, 2013, more than 1 million of Ukrainians came to Maidan Nezalezhnosti and central streets of Kyiv demanding resignation of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine headed by Mr Azarov, punishment of those who guilty in the massacre against the peaceful citizens of Ukraine and in support of the European integration of Ukraine.

The governing party and its satellites – communists possessing the majority of votes in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine as usually ignored the demands and the will of the Ukrainians. The voting for the resignation of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine hold on December 3, 2013 in Ukrainian Parliament didn’t receive the number of votes required.

The situation in Ukraine today starts threatening the territorial integrity of Ukraine and its sovereignty. The local councils of some regions promote such development of events, including the Verkhovna Rada of Crimea that adopts the decisions at the governing party’s command. They include the demands of introduction of the state of emergency and using violence against the peaceful actions of the Ukrainian citizens.

The Presidium of the highest plenipotentiary representative body of the Crimean Tatars – the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People supports consistently the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine since the proclamation of its independence expresses its extreme concern for the further development of the internal political situation in the country and threat of the establishment of the authoritative regime.

The Presidium of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People fully supports the demands of the overwhelming majority of the Ukrainian society supporting the ratification of the EU – Ukraine Association Agreement. The systematic political, legal and economic reforms in Ukraine could be held only on the basis on the European standards in the area of the human rights, the rights of the national minorities and indigenous peoples.

The Presidium of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People condemns any forms of the violent actions during the expanding large-scale civil opposition and calls al parties – subjects of the political and public life of Ukraine to find exclusively peaceful way out of the political crisis.

In this situation, the Presidium of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People supports the demands of the immediate resignation of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and holding the early elections to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine as failing to execute the current legislation of Ukraine on the European integration of Ukraine.

Refat Chubarov,

Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People

December 3, 2013