Presidium of Mejlis Demands Calling of Special Session of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to Abrogate Jaws Adopted on January 16, 2014 and Adopt Decisions Aimed at Peaceful Solution of Situation

21 January 2014
Presidium of Mejlis Demands Calling of Special Session of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to Abrogate Jaws Adopted on January 16, 2014 and Adopt Decisions Aimed at Peaceful Solution of Situation


of Presidium of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People

Dear nationals,

Ukraine and its citizens are experiencing the most dangerous and tragic days since proclamation of the independence. The political crisis that started in Ukraine after the drastic change of the external political course of the country and refusal from the European integration performed by the President and Ukrainian Government and transferred into an open and violent confrontation between the society and authorities.

For more than two months millions of Ukrainian citizens have been taking place in the Euromaidans in Kyiv and all around Ukraine, but were ignored by the authorities. Despite the honest and equal dialogue with the society the authorities initiated an open violation of the fundamental human rights and freedoms, including the laws, adopted with the cynical violation of the Parliamentary procedures and democratic principles, that limit the right to the freedom of meetings, freedom of speech and Mass Media and contradict the Constitution of Ukraine and international obligations of Ukraine.

During the bloody conflicts between the participants of the peaceful protests in Kyiv and the special troops of Police and internal troops hundreds of people were injured. The further escalation of the violence in the country threatens the establishment of the dictatorship regime and violence that could become a disaster for the whole Ukraine and its citizens irrespective of their nationality and religion.

Every hour and active position of every citizen of the country is important in the existing situation. Adhering to the principle of non-violence being the basis of the Crimean Tatar movement the Presidium of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People calls all citizens of Ukraine, Crimea belonging to various nationalities to protect the civil rights and freedoms.

The Presidium of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People demands the calling of the special session of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine aimed at the urgent abrogation of the laws adopted on January 16, 2014 and limiting the human rights and freedoms and adoption of the decisions aimed at the peaceful solution of the existing situation.

Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People

Mr Refat Chubarov