Presentation of Film «Qirim-oglu… Fight of One People» was Held in Simferopol on October 18, 2012

08 October 2012
Presentation of Film «Qirim-oglu… Fight of One People» was Held in Simferopol on October 18, 2012

The film-makers are the well-known directors from Turkish State TV Channel “TRT” Neshe Sarisoy Qaratay and Zafer Qaratay.

According to the film’s authors the Vice Prime Minister of the Republic of Turkey Bulent Arinch plans to attend the presentation.

The film “Qirim-oglu… Fight of One People” tells about the forcible deportation of the Crimean Tatar people from their Homeland on May 18, 1944 and people’s non-violent combat for the return to its Homeland – Crimea, as well as the life of the human rights advocate, political prisoner, Leader of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people Mustafa Jemilev.

The Turkish State TV Channel “TRT” will broadcast the film in October. The presentation of the film in Aqmescit will be held on October 18, 2012 in Trade Union Palace of Culture, 115, Kyivskaya Str.

According to the scriptwriter and producer of the film Zafer Qaratay, the documentary about Crimean Tatars was shot by Turkish State TV Channel “TRT”. The total length of the film comprises 270 minutes. “It consists of 9 parts – 30 minutes each. Making of this film, its shooting and work in the archives, as well as the editing took two and a half years,”- Z.Qaratay told.

The shooting of the film were held in Crimea, Ukraine, US, Turkey, Belgium and Russia.

The film contains the interviews with such world famous human rights advocates as Vladimir Bukovsky, Sergei Kovalev, Ludmila Alexeeva, Eugenie Sverstuk, Alexander Podrabinek, Miroslav Marinovich, Yuri Orlov, Pavel Litvinov, Andrei Grigorenko, Semen Gluzman, as well as the veterans of the Crimean Tatar national movement.

Many famous politics, such as: the President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych, the President of Ukraine Leonid Kravchuk (1991-1994), the President of Turkey Suleiman Demirel (1993-2000), the Prime Minister of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey Ahmet Davutoglu and many others will tell about their opinion concerning the tragic destiny and present situation of Crimean Tatars.

The director of Turkish State TV Channel TRT Neshe Sarisoi Qaratay has been making documentaries for many years and was awarded many prestigious prizes for her work.

The authors of the film also created the page in Facebook where the additional materials are available for everyone.