Presentation of Book, Titled «S Toskoy Po Rodine…» (Longing For Homeland) Was Held In Melitopol

On December 3, 2011 the presentation of the book, titled “Longing For Homeland… Destinies of Crimean Tatars in Melitopol Region” was held in Melitopol, Zaporozhie region.
The book was the result of many years work of the collective of authors – Minever Idrisov (a compiler), Gulnara Bekirova (editor and author of the preface), Edie Muslimova (publisher).
This book made the first attempt to tell about the formation of Crimean Tatar diaspora in Melitopol and the region. It includes more than 100 stories about Crimean Tatar families from Melitopol region, their tragic destinies. “Longing for the Homeland – Crimea – my life has passed” – is a tenor of the book.
Many honored guests came to congratulate the collective of authors and residents of the town who gathered in the hall of the town’s House of Culture named after T.Shevchenko, such as the President of the World Congress of Crimean Tatars , First Deputy Chairman of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, MP of the VR ARC Refat Chubarov, mayor of Ugledar (Donetsk region) Alim Shirinsky (general sponsor of the book), Deputy mayor of Melitopol Irina Donets, member of Zaporozhie regional council Eygeny Balitsky, Deputy Chairman of Melitopol regional state administration Alexander Basha, Chairman of Board of Zaporozhie Center of Tatar culture “Altynay” Rakhima Akhmerova, First Pro-Rector of Crimean Engineering – Pedagogical University Eskender Lumanov, expert in local history, head sanitary doctor of Melitopol Vladimir Reznik, Head of the Revision commission of the Organization of Crimean Tatar workers of education “Maarifchi” Beye Ilyasova and others.
Authors of the book that became the first experience of description of the diaspora of Crimean Tatars of Melitopol region, told about the hard and long way that they made from the idea of the book to its realization. They also told that many its characters already have passed away that gives this book a special value. Those who assisted in publication of the book were also recalled.
The warm atmosphere in the hall was also created by the performances of Melitopol national dance and song collective “Guzel Qirim”.