Platform of European Memory and Conscience Makes First Step Towards Organization of Nuremberg 2 Against Communism

The Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes (Czech Republic) has implemented the project of the Platform of European Memory and Conscience adopted at the conference of this organization in Berlin in November 2012.
The book “Lest We Forget. Memory of Totalitarianism in Europe” was published. It tells about the struggle against the totalitarian communist regime on an example of the brave fighters from 16 European countries: Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Germany, Austria, The Netherlands, The Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Romania, Bulgaria, Moldova and Ukraine.
The book tells life stories of 30 well-known people from these countries and their open selfless struggle against the communism regime in the 20th century.
The national struggle of Crimean Tatar people was illustrated by an example of the well-known human rights activist, veteran of the national movement Mrs Ayshe Seitmuratova (pages 272-279).
Note that the Mejlis of Crimean Tatar People is the member of the Platform of European Memory and Conscience since spring 2012.
The book “Lest We Forget. Memory of Totalitarianism in Europe” was published as part of the international project. It is an additional reader for schools of the European Union. The project also includes the traveling exhibition providing a wide statistics on the gravest crimes of the 20th century – Fascism, Nazism in 12 member states of the European Union.
This exhibition was initially designed as “Black Album” which included the expositions on every country and numerous victims of the bloody regimes. The exhibition also shows some main figures bearing responsibility for the majority of all crimes that were committed by these regimes.
The project was completed in June 2013 in the framework of the European project “European Platform of Memory and Conscience” and under support of the European Commission from the Foundation “The Europe for Citizens Program”. The book was published in English, French and German languages.
Please visit ( to assess the catalogue (information is available in English)
– Totalitarianism in Europe March 2013.pdf (25.5 MB) – exhibition,
– lest_ebook_new2.pdf(10.4 MB) – Book“Lest We Forget. Memory of Totalitarianism in Europe”.