
Ordering Parties and Executors of Dirty Tricks Will Answer in Law

31 January 2014
Ordering Parties and Executors of Dirty Tricks Will Answer in Law

The attempts of the destabilization of the interethnic relations in Crimea suing the falsifications and dirty tricks have been activated lately, including the stuffing with false and provocative statements from allegedly reliable sources.

In a range of these cases the information provocations against the certain members and the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People have their goal to compromise the Crimean Tatar national movement and its basic principle – non-violence, as well as introduction of fear and distrust between various people belonging to different nationalities.

The Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People condemns any attempts of using the dirty tricks aimed at destabilizing the public-political situation in Crimea and warns their order parties and executors about the legal responsibility in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.

Press Service of

the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People