Opening of Monuments to Twice Heroes of the USSR, Legendary Pilots Amet-Khan Sultan and Georgy Beregovoy was Held in Kyiv

Mejlis and Association of Crimean Tatars in Kyiv placed flowers to the heroes’ monuments
On May 1, 2013 the ceremonial opening of the monuments to the twice Heroes of the Soviet Union, legendary pilots Amet-Khan Sultan and Georgy Beregovoy was held in Kyiv in the future Alley of the Military Glory in the Park of Glory
The opening ceremony was attended by the Prime Minister of Ukraine Nikolai Azarov, the Head of the City Hall of Kyiv Alexander Popov and representatives of Ukrainian government.
According to N.Azarov, the opening of such monuments preserves the memory about the WW2 and must set an example to the patriotic upbringing. He noted that the Alley of Military Glory in the Park of Glory will be completed in 2015 – the 70th anniversary of the victory in the WW2.

All in all, 14 monuments of the participants of the WW2 – twice Heroes of the Soviet Union that were born in the territory of Ukraine, took part in liberation of Ukraine, live or were buried in the territory of modern Ukraine, will be installed in the alley.
The opening ceremony was also attended by the representatives of the Association of Crimean Tatars in Kyiv.
The Head of the Committee of cultural development Femiy Mustafaev, coordinator of the Committee of foreign relations Remzi Abkerimov, as well as the coordinator of the cultural development Zera Halilova placed flowers to the monument of the outstanding national, test pilot, twice Hero of the USSR Amet-Khan Sultan on behalf of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people and Association of Crimean Tatars in Kyiv.