One More Bridge of Friendship Has Been Built Between Turkey and Ukraine

12 April 2012
One More Bridge of Friendship Has Been Built Between Turkey and Ukraine

The ceremonial event, timed to the 20th anniversary of the foundation of the Association of friendship and mutual assistance of Crimean Tatars of Izmir, organized under the promotion of the city hall of Konak district in Hotel”Swiss” was attended by the residents of the city and its surroundings.

The honored guest of the holiday – the Leader of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, MP of Ukraine, Mustafa Jemilev, who spent 15 years in prison for his participation in the movement, fighting for the return of Crimean Tatars to their Homeland said: “One more bridge of friendship has been built between Ukraine and Turkey – the corresponding agreement has been signed with Izmir city. We came here to strengthen this bridge. We are sure that this bridge will be strong and it will stay forever”.

The ceremonial event was attended by the Head of Bakhchisaray Regional State Administration Ilmi Umerov, deputies of the mayor of Izmir Nevzad Ergun and Haluk Tunchsu, Head of Bakhchisaray Mejlis Ahtem Chiygoz, mayor of Bakhchisaray Valentina Kraskina, creative director of ensemble “Qirim” Server Kakura, member of Eskishehir town council Kazym Kurt, ex-Chairman of sport-club of Eskishehir Aydin Begiter, Honored Consul of Turkey in Bosnia and HerzegovinaKemal Baysak, representatives of different Turkish derneks, members of the Society of friendship and mutual assistance of Izmir and other invited persons.

The Head of the administration of Konak, Dr. Hakan noted that he was very happy to take part in such important and meaningful evening and said as follows: “Due to the person who spent all his life, combating for the rights of our people – Leader of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, MP of Ukraine Mustafa Jemilev, we gathered here to build the bridge of friendship between Ukraine and Turkey.”

Mutual understanding, interrelation between our cultures gives our friendship even more significance. We have signed the agreement with Bakhchisaray and since this moment our cities became twin cities. The administration of Konak is obliged to provide feasible assistance in purchasing of computers for the library of Bakhchisaray and solution of other urgent problems. From our part we have published the book on Crimean Tatar cuisine”.

The youth folk group of Crimean Tatar dernek, the soloist of the ensemble of dancing and music of Turkish association of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Yasham Balkodzha, soloists of ensemble “Qirim”, headed by Server Kakura, soloist of Izmir ensemble of classic Turkish music of the Ministry, Asuman Ertekin added special charm to the evening, performing the stirring dances and national Crimean Tatar songs.

The Head of the Association of friendship and mutual assistance of Crimean Tatars of Izmir Erdim Boray thanked the Head of the administration of Konak, Dr. Hakan Tartan for such wonderful holiday.