«One Could Burn An Effigy Of Any Person, But I Would Say That This Does Not Come From A Great Wit,» – M.Jemilev

The Chairman of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people M.Jemilev has criticized on the actions of a group of persons who committed a cynical act in front of the building of the Crimean Tatar Theatre on November 21, 2011.
“One Could Burn An Effigy Of Any Person. If, for example, Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people decided to carry out the actions against these small groups, we could do it hundred times better. But we shouldn’t let oneself sink to this level,” – the leader of Mejlis Mustafa Jemilev said.
The leader of Mejlis is convinced that it was the main performance of the pseudo-oppositionists that was counted for the Mass Media. “Because, anything may they say and who may record them, but this act was very colorful. It manifests, so to say, its utmost indignation with the leadership of Mejlis. But I would say that this does not come from a great wit,” – M.Jemilev said.