On September 1, 2013 First Bell Rang in Every Ukrainian School

01 September 2013
On September 1, 2013 First Bell Rang in Every Ukrainian School

Today 450 thousand first grade pupils all over Ukraine sat at their school desks for the first time (plus 20 thousand pupils compared to the last year), including 20,400 first grade pupils in Crimea (plus 1600 compared to the last year).

According to the data provided by Ms Safure Kadzhametova, Head of the Department of Culture and Education at the Mejlis, Head of the Association of Crimean Tatar Workers of Education “Maarifchi”, 737 Crimean Tatar first grade pupils for the first time sat at the school desk of 44 first grade classes with education in Crimean Tatar language that opened on the basis of 38 Crimean schools with education in Crimean Tatar, two, three and Russian language.

The schools held the ceremonial events timed to the Knowledge Day.

Deputies of different levels, state officials, representatives of the Mejlis, general public and parents congratulated the pupils with that day.

May the school year 2013-2014 bring joy to our children and their teachers, despite numerous changes to the school program.