
On January 30, 2014, Meeting of Board of Foreign Relations, Investments and National Economy Takes Place

30 January 2014
On January 30, 2014, Meeting of Board of Foreign Relations, Investments and National Economy Takes Place

The plan of actions of the Board and key departments according to the profiles and fields of work were discussed at the meeting.

Presently the Board makes the active development of the strategies of the economic development of the Crimean Tatars, the regional experts and specialists were involved.

Mr Omer Qirimli, Head of the Board noted that along with these issues the significant aspect in management is the international partnership providing the implementation of the projects of cooperation between the Mejlis with the international organizations, national and international business.

Mr Aslan Omer Qirimli’s working visits to Lithuania, Belgium and Germany, participation in the European forum and meetings with the EU representatives on the economic issues, as well as the European business circles initiated the activity in this direction.

The special attention at the meeting was paid to the establishment of the dialogue between the representatives of the business and state authorities of Crimean and Ukraine.

As a result of the meeting three departments of the Board were organized:

– Department of international co-operation;

– Department of the development of economics – in the framework of the activity of the department the center of development and support of small and middle business was formed coordinated by the delegate of the Qurultay of the 6th convocation Mr Server Abibulaev;

– Department of interrelations with the authorities – headed by the member of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People Mr Remzi Ilyasov.