Mustafa Jemilev: World Ethic Forum in Crimea Must Reflect Objectively Discriminatory Practice Against Crimean Tatars

30 May 2013
Mustafa Jemilev: World Ethic Forum in Crimea Must Reflect Objectively Discriminatory Practice Against Crimean Tatars

On June 3, 2004, the Head of the Mejlis of Crimean Tatar People met with the delegation of the International Organizational Committee of the World Ethic Forum, headed by the President of the European Federation of the International Association “Peace through Culture” Mr Wilhelm Augustat.

Mr Ali Hamzin, Head of the Department of Foreign Relations at Mejlis also joined the meeting.

During the meeting the representatives of the delegation addressed the administration of Mejlis to assist in preparation and holding of the World Ethic Forum in autumn 2014 in Crimea. In addition, the guests asked Mejlis to announce a list of priority issues to be considered in the World Ethic Forum and describe the situation in the Crimean peninsular in the whole.

“The International Association “Peace through Culture” has been establishing the ideals of peace for the last 20 years cooperating with the colleagues from 85 countries through the culture at all levels, including the national and international,”- the President of the European Association International Association “Peace through Culture” Mr Wilhelm Augustat explained addressing Mejlis Head Mustafa Jemilev. “We conducted the conference dedicated to health, culture and ethics in Crimea, Kazakhstan, Chechnya, Lithuania, India and Russia. We wish to hold the International Ethic Forum in Crimea and we are looking for your support as well,”- he said.

Mejlis Head Mustafa Jemilev told about the history of the Crimean Tatars, about the deportation of Crimean Tatar people, the national bodies of self-governance of the Crimean Tatars and the present discrimination of the indigenous people of Crimea in Ukraine when its basic Constitutional rights are violated.

“Crimea has very dramatic and tragic history. People belonging to various religions and cultures live in the peninsular. Moreover I’m convinced that the theme of the Conference of the International Association “Peace through Culture” is topical for Crimea as well. I think that you’ve come here at a right time. The interethnic and interreligious situation in Crimea is very complicated. The main reason for this is not the difference in religion, but rather in the desire of certain politicians to play on the religious issues,”- M.Jemilev noted.

Mustafa Jemilev noted that Crimean Tatar people are interested in the interethnic peace and observance of the religious rights of all religions in the peninsular. However, the Crimean Tatars as Muslims are usually faced with the open disrespect of their religious needs and xenophobic moods in the society.

According to M.Jemilev, the Mejlis of Crimean Tatar People is ready to take part in preparation of the World Ethic Forum on condition that in conclusion of its work the addresses, reflecting objectively the current situation with the Crimean Tatars will be sent to the international organizations, state and republican bodies of Ukraine.

In conclusion of the meeting the representatives of the delegation expressed their gratitude to Mustafa Jemilev for the meeting and readiness of the Mejlis of Crimean Tatar People to support the World Ethic Forum 2014.