Mustafa Jemilev: There Is No Doubt That Political Component Prevails In Court’s Decision

11 October 2011
Mustafa Jemilev: There Is No Doubt That Political Component Prevails In Court’s Decision

According to the Chairman of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people Mustafa Jemilev, Yulia Timoshenko acted in the framework of the authority that was given to her by the Constitution of Ukraine. The leader of Mejlis told about this in his interview to Ukrainian service of Radio Liberty in Prague, commenting on the accusatory sentence to the former Prime Minister of Ukraine Yulia Timoshenko.

It was an unpleasant surprise, I would say, because I hopped that the decision will be a little bit wiser. We do not idealize Yulia Timoshenko. Though, we supported her on the presidential elections we thought that she was more democratic, more Europe oriented compared for example to the Party of Regions, and Mr. Yanukovich.

I think that being the Prime Minister of Ukraine Yulia Timoshenko maybe did some not quite right things. But she acted in the framework of the authorities, provided by the Constitution. She was accused in allegedly causing damage to the interests of Ukraine, ratifying gas agreements. Maybe she should hold talks in other way. Maybe, there could be other more advantageous conditions for Ukraine, but could one be sentenced to prison for this?

As for me, for example, Kharkov agreements on extension of the presence of Russian fleet for twenty years maybe caused much more harm to Ukraine’s interests. It is my opinion. If other authorities will come should Mr. Yanukovich be imprisoned? It’s nonsense.

At the same time M.Jemilev is convinced that the final point wasn’t put. “It is very likely that the Court of Appeal change the decision of Pechersky Regional Court of Kyiv. At least this would allow considering all the positions of the parties of the trail – both the prosecution and defense, and find the proper way out from the existing situation for our country and authorities”.

Since 9 to 12 October 2011 the leader of Mejlis is visiting Prague where he was invited to take part in the 15th International conference Forum 2000.